Andy`s Ugly son of a gun.......(Tractor!!).

The Smythe Meister

Born to be WILD....... until about 9pm
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Jan 30, 2019
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This combination was my favourite Dinky Toy many years ago!
HA!! I don`t remember it as a "Dinky Toy"..... but as a small kit,YES i do!! ;)
I built one of these a while back, it's a great kit and goes together well. You are off to a great start, I will pull up a chair if I may.
Hi Scottie,(DAWG!!),They certainly do build up well.... and,obviously,you`re VERY welcomed mate!!:thumb2:
Fine progress Andy
Cheers Jim,it`s a kit that`s such a pleasure:nerd:!
It’s coming on nicely Andy :thumb2:
Thanks Tim,as i said to Jim.... it`s such an enjoyable build!!:cool:
Suave, moi? I'll let you know I have a 25pdr and Limber in permanent residence on a Man Cave shelf sirrah! Not got round to the Quad yet though!
Good to hear that Steve!.... C`mon then... what`s the hold up on the Quad then?!!;)

If there's still room can I join the party?? Bribes in the form of Junior's Celebration Chocolate Brownie can be made available!!!! ;) ;)

I have a vague recollection of making a large scale quad tractor in my youf minus limber and gun though.... It was definitely the same for plastic.... Also pretty sure I never painted it.

Keep up the good work!!

Hi Andrew,of course there is mate!! No need for Bribes... I`m trying to lose weight!! :tears-of-joy:

The Smythe Meister

Born to be WILD....... until about 9pm
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Jan 30, 2019
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Sure was short. Coming along nicely.
Yes it certainly was Paul.... and Ugly!!:tears-of-joy:
Definitely a breeze matey, it might be an old kit but still looks good
Actually,it is a breeze so far Mick... "Old" for sure.... but very nice:cool:

An update to follow shortly Chaps.....


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Mar 30, 2021
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HA!! I don`t remember it as a "Dinky Toy"..... but as a small kit,YES i do!! ;)

Hi Scottie,(DAWG!!),They certainly do build up well.... and,obviously,you`re VERY welcomed mate!!:thumb2:

Cheers Jim,it`s a kit that`s such a pleasure:nerd:!

Thanks Tim,as i said to Jim.... it`s such an enjoyable build!!:cool:

Good to hear that Steve!.... C`mon then... what`s the hold up on the Quad then?!!;)

Hi Andrew,of course there is mate!! No need for Bribes... I`m trying to lose weight!! :tears-of-joy:
Hold up on the Quad is that I haven't bought one yet ....! :nerd: I will soon though ... !

The Smythe Meister

Born to be WILD....... until about 9pm
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Jan 30, 2019
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Right then guys....
An update,and a few observations on this one.....
Built up and primered the rest of the Quad`s sub assemblies ....
IMG20220611180049.jpgAll coming together quite nicely,but the driver was PANTS,so i was gonna use the one from THIS SET....
IMG20220611150830 (1).jpg
HOWEVER,he didn`t fit into the Cab`s seat at all:sad:,so it`s back to the bad Supplied figure!!
.... It shouldn`t be that bad mind,as i`m doing this all buttoned up and "On the Road" ... with that considered i looked into setting the thing travelling along a road passing a British Infantry MG team on the march.Looking into that i discovered a bit of a misdemeanor with this kit.....
Now i`m CERTAINLY no expert,and even if i was,i`m not the type of person to pick faults in things.... but just out of interest.....
.... There were three types of these vehicles,simply put... Early War times 2 and a bit later war......
.... I wanted to do a later War Canadian version in towing mode,with some British troopos walking alongside,as i said:thumb2:... Trouble is that this kit seems to be a Hybrid of the three produced vehicles?!:flushed:.... If anyone can put me right then that`d be great,but as far as i can tell,i need to do a 1944ish version which is a mish mash of the FAT and CMP shown there..... the kit really is an amalgamation mefinks?!!:anguished:
All thoughts much appreciated,
Cheers for now,

The Smythe Meister

Born to be WILD....... until about 9pm
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Jan 30, 2019
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There was apparently six variations from four manufactures in total.
Cheers Mark,
It seems to grow the more you look into it :flushed: !!
Whichever way you look at it mind,the kit seems to be a Hybrid.... not the i`m any sort of expert,or even that much bothered in a modelling sense!:thumb2:

Steve Jones

Steve Jones Scale Modelling Site
Apr 27, 2018
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Hello mate,

You do like opening cans of worms LOL. There were two main manufacturers - Chevrolet and Ford. They had different chassis but the bodywork variants would be the same. ie a beetle back body on a Chevy or Ford chassis etc etc. The term CMP (Canadian Military Pattern) is just a general term referring to Canadian built trucks with either a Chevy or Ford chassis and a British designed body. Eventually Britain got Morris to put the body work on their chassis as well. Therefore three different chassis with similar British designed bodywork. Then you have the next level of confusion. The bodywork was made by several commonwealth countries ie India, Australis etc so they would be local variations on the bodywork supplied. There are loads of different styles of bodywork.

As for the Tamiya kit it is a Ford Chassis with a British designed Beetle Back body. These were made before, during and after the war. If you want extreme detail and information on particular models and variant then the MLU Website is your bible for all things CMP.


Way past the mad part
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Apr 28, 2018
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a mish mash of the FAT and CMP shown there.....
FAT = Field Artillery Tractor, CMP = Canadian Military Pattern — the two are different things, but it can be hard to keep straight. Like Steve explained, CMP was a shorthand designation for a series of trucks and lorries made in Canada by Ford, Chevrolet and Dodge in a wide range of variants (the Ford and Chevrolet ones are hard to tell apart unless you know what to look for, but the Dodges are entirely different). FATs were trucks specifically built to tow field artillery, and were manufactured using a number of different chassis, including Ford and Chevrolet CMP but also from other manufacturers. This is what the three drawings on the first page of the instructions illustrate: the top is a FAT built on a Guy chassis, the middle is a FAT on a Morris chassis and the bottom is a FAT on a Ford or Chevrolet (I can’t make out the difference in the picture) CMP chassis.

Now, this isn’t made any easier by your FAT also being a CMP, but with a different model of cab than in the bottom drawing :smiling3: Ford and Chevrolet CMPs were made with three types of cab, the No. 11, No. 12 and No. 13. Your FAT has a No. 12 cab (I think, I can never tell the 11 and 12 apart), while the bottom illustration has a No. 13 cab, easily recognised by the forward-angled windows. Italeri has a 1:35 kit of the latter, BTW.

And to further muddy the waters, FATs were also often known as ”Quads”, IIRC because of their four-wheel drive.

The Smythe Meister

Born to be WILD....... until about 9pm
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Jan 30, 2019
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Hello mate,

You do like opening cans of worms LOL. There were two main manufacturers - Chevrolet and Ford. They had different chassis but the bodywork variants would be the same. ie a beetle back body on a Chevy or Ford chassis etc etc. The term CMP (Canadian Military Pattern) is just a general term referring to Canadian built trucks with either a Chevy or Ford chassis and a British designed body. Eventually Britain got Morris to put the body work on their chassis as well. Therefore three different chassis with similar British designed bodywork. Then you have the next level of confusion. The bodywork was made by several commonwealth countries ie India, Australis etc so they would be local variations on the bodywork supplied. There are loads of different styles of bodywork.

As for the Tamiya kit it is a Ford Chassis with a British designed Beetle Back body. These were made before, during and after the war. If you want extreme detail and information on particular models and variant then the MLU Website is your bible for all things CMP.
HA! Yep,certainly "A can of worms"...... Thanks for that info,good of you to take the time mate :thumb2:
Remember building this, and thoroughly enjoyed it when I first got into model making.

Your build has steamed ahead nicely Mr Smiff :thumb2:
Cheers Si.... This certainly does seem to be a popular kit that many of us have built in the past,in various scales:cool:
FAT = Field Artillery Tractor, CMP = Canadian Military Pattern — the two are different things, but it can be hard to keep straight. Like Steve explained, CMP was a shorthand designation for a series of trucks and lorries made in Canada by Ford, Chevrolet and Dodge in a wide range of variants (the Ford and Chevrolet ones are hard to tell apart unless you know what to look for, but the Dodges are entirely different). FATs were trucks specifically built to tow field artillery, and were manufactured using a number of different chassis, including Ford and Chevrolet CMP but also from other manufacturers. This is what the three drawings on the first page of the instructions illustrate: the top is a FAT built on a Guy chassis, the middle is a FAT on a Morris chassis and the bottom is a FAT on a Ford or Chevrolet (I can’t make out the difference in the picture) CMP chassis.

Now, this isn’t made any easier by your FAT also being a CMP, but with a different model of cab than in the bottom drawing :smiling3: Ford and Chevrolet CMPs were made with three types of cab, the No. 11, No. 12 and No. 13. Your FAT has a No. 12 cab (I think, I can never tell the 11 and 12 apart), while the bottom illustration has a No. 13 cab, easily recognised by the forward-angled windows. Italeri has a 1:35 kit of the latter, BTW.

And to further muddy the waters, FATs were also often known as ”Quads”, IIRC because of their four-wheel drive.
Jakko,WOW!!.... That`s also a cracking amount of detailed info ...... as with Steve,thank you very much for taking the time to post it mate.......,it really is very much appreciated:thumb2:

AS always chaps,the amount of freely given info and advice is staggering.....not to mention the general banter and shared experiences:cool:,it`s so refreshing in this increasingly "Dog Eat Dog" and "Insular" world!
.... A bit of an update to follow a bit later.............

The Smythe Meister

Born to be WILD....... until about 9pm
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Jan 30, 2019
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......... Cont`d!!
Ok then Guys.......Well,what more can i say about this kit that either,I haven`t already said....or you don`t already know?!:thinking:.....
I`ll try ;)!!.... This is obviously only my opinion,BUT..... If you`re talking VFM,then look no further than this... 3 subjects in the same box, which i consider to be pretty much 2 kits in the same box,(I.E. The "Tractor",and the Gun with Limber)...... All for about £25,or at least that`s what i paid for it:hugging-face:
As we all know,... "It`s Tamiya"... therefore an absolute pleasure to put together:cool:....
Here`s the build of the Gun and limber....
IMG20220619185536 (1).jpg

The original kit supplied figure really is unusable as i want this to be in Europe .....
IMG20220611175040 - Copy.jpg
Yep,wrong uniform,so it`s back to this guy....
IMG20220620181804 (1).jpg
Will have to hack his legs off to make him fit in,but at least the bits of him that you will see,(Cab`s gonna be enclosed as i`m doing the whole thing as a Travelling unit;)),will be accurate :flushed:........ So,here are the individual components all together in primer......
All awaiting the base coat,looking forward to that:nerd:,
And finally for this update,i thought i`d show the Figures for the forthcoming dio... it`ll be this set up travelling along a Road/track in North eastern Europe,(I`m thinking Caen) .......
IMG20220612192144.jpg Gotta crack on with my Spitfire really.... but this is SO much fun that it eats up my Spit build time!!
Cheers for now,and thanks for looking in !!

Tim Marlow

Little blokes aficionado
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Apr 27, 2018
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Going well Andy. You could use the guy with the shorts if you set it in Southern Europe on the Italian front ;)


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Apr 27, 2018
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You can't beat a relatively stress free build. There are plenty of challenging kits out but sometimes you don't need it. Nice work so far Andy


I know its a bit sad but I like quickbuild kits!!!
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Sep 4, 2019
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Coming on very nicely Andy!!