Me 109e


Ferrets Bueller

This was my BOB group build over on the promodeller site, but i thought i would share it over here too.

I bought this trop kit by mistake but by using some older tamiya decals im going to do this as a jg26 me 109 based in france.

Box and sprue shots.

Bit more progress, the kit goes together loverly with most of it almost clipping together just as Phil says.

Ive got the cockpit complete, not amazing but im happy with it. Followed phils build of the me 109 and used his techniques and found them very useful, cheers Phil.

BTW it looks like a gap on the fuselage infornt of the cockpit but its just paint, i even had to go check on the model itself just incase.

Another thing i forgot to take care of the ejector marks in the cockpit at least they can barely be seen.

Well ive made some more progress over the last couple of days, got it sanded rescribed (badly) primed, pre shaded (again badly) and got the rlm 02, 65 and 71 camo pattern on.

I really need to work on my scribing (doesnt help that i dotn have a template yet as im still waiting on it from the states) i used a ected blass sprue edge to do this and slipped a few times , but its my first time so you live and learn and my first real preshading didnt go exactly to plan with thicker than i wanted lines but again see above lol. I wouldnt mind but i lost the shading in the paint so all lessons learnt.

Right some more prgres pics boefire the reveal.

Decals on and another coat of klear.

Promodellers dark dirt wash on, waiting for it to dry. I have to say this wash is great, very easy to use and even easier to remove it gets a big from me.

A few firsts for me with this build, my first group build, my first panel rescribe, my first 1:48 aircraft and my first use of promodellers washes (which are superb by the way).

Me 109 JG26 Kommandeur Adolf Galland August 1940 France, battle scarred aircraft showing signs of dirt and some battle damage to the left wing.

Kit - Airfix

Decals -Tamiya

Paints - Vallejo Model colour and Model air

Washes - Promodeller


Very interesting build thread there Paul and a great tutorial in masking Luftwaffe camoflage. It makes a change not to have mottling and refreshing to see an Emil without a yellow nose.


SMF Supporter
Jul 22, 2008
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Very neat and tidy build,It looks spot on. I quite like the early war scheme you've portrayed.



Ferrets Bueller

Cheers guys, i know what you mean about the yellow and the mottling although i think they look great almost every me i see has it on so i thought i would do it without.

Lovely kit to build too with no filler or problems whatsoever, airfix really are doing it right with these new kits.

yak face

Staff member
SMF Supporter
Jun 13, 2009
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Hi paul , excellent build mate, well presented from start to finish. Lovely paintwork , and the kit looks great too, come on the airfix! You say youre waiting for a template for scribing, if youre only doing straight lines then try dymo tape , its self adhesive and thick enough to carefully use as a straight edge for scribing, cheers tony

Ferrets Bueller

Ive been messing about with my photo studio and have some better pics.