painting cockpit canopies


phill burrows

Hi all

I am really stuck on this problem. I am looking for advice on how to best mask and paint the cockpit canopy on aircraft. I never bothered as a kid, but since I have purchased my airbrush I want to step it up a level.

I am currently building a tamiya beaufighter and it is going quite well, but the hand painted cockpit edges look a little amateur.

So what is the key to this? How do you mask and get perfect results??

thanks guys



Howdy Phil,

Boy is this a topic i am familiar with lol. I used to paint the canopy by hand, but no more and all it took was seeing how a few people did it and choosing the method that best suited me.....a method that I now know has to be the absolute best way to mask and paint a canopy and any other detail you want to paint.

Ok, this method I am about to describe involves cutting masking tape into approx. 1mm strips, then slowly filling in the area to be masked with these strips until all of the area is covered. its that simple.

But, what I just said may be simple sounding but I really didnt give you enough information so, I am going to give you the link to the tutorial that taught me how to do it.

So if you really want to learn, you are gonna have to sit down and take the ten minutes time that is required to read the following:

Masking Canopies Its photo illustrated :smiling3:

Now I am not sure if you have seen anything on the web which reffers to "Swanny's models", but this is his site and this tutorial is in depth and full of stuff that will make you say to yourself "Why didnt I think of that". (Least thats what I said).

Anyway, take time to look that over, I found that tutorial by searching through the "tips and techniques" section of this site:

Scale Modeling Links

I have been promoting this particular site for almost 2 years now and I am a firm believer that every serious modeller should have it saved in their favorites as a refference tool. Its chock full of information related to modelling including manufacturers, distributors, tips and techniques, paints and even model related websites and forums (I submitted this forum a few years back).... you name it, its there.

I hope this helps, and if you get the chance, get back to me and let me know what you thought of the tutorial...I think you will be very happy with what you learn from it.

Have a good day,

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i use "magic tabel" you know the stranslusant scotch tape? put it over the canopy and use a brand new blade to cut the canopy parts away. works wonders!

phill burrows

Thanks guys.

As I suspected there is no magic quick solution to this. More like time, patience and lots of Tamiya masking tape and a sharp blade!

I did take a look at craigcentral. It is an amazing resource, but I can not take in all info in one go. I will have to keep coming back to this.

thanks again


Howdy Phil,

Well, i knew it was alot to take in at one time, the tips on masking is in depth by itself, not even considering all the other info offered on the website.

But, If I may make a suggestion, make that site a favorite on your computer, I know that since I found the site I find myself going back to it very often, not just for information for myself, but to help others here in the forum. It is really a treasure trove of knowledge about all aspects of modelling.

Anyway, i hope that the information there about masking is of use to you, thats the only method I use now for canopies.

Have a good day,
