The "Future" Is Clear - But not in Australia



Evening everybody,

I only joined today so forgive me for all the pent up questions. I am pretty new to modelling but have built three 1/72 planes.

Have read a bit about 'finishing' the painted model. The aim to make it look like a true miniature rather than a toy. No Future in the land down under but I think we have Long Life Floor Polish made by Pascoe's. Supposed to be pretty good. Any Aussie modelers please feel free to jump in here and warn me that I am about to turn my Stuka into slag!

So here is a couple of questions

1) Do you apply one coat, apply decals then apply another coat?

2) Its a gloss. How do you bring it back to a matt?

3) Does it make the decals look painted on or do you really need the special decal softener?

4) If you are doing some finishing (mud, engine burn etc.) is that applied after first coat?

5) Is it all do-able with a paint brush? Don't need some fancy (read as expensive) airbrush?

There are so many good websites out there offering their own version of what to do but I wanted to lay these questions down to get a general consensus. ('cos I'm confused)

Hope everybody has a good weekend.



Ian M

Staff member
SMF Supporter
Dec 14, 2008
Falster, Denmark
First Name
Hi Justin and welcome.

Right then. Future is just a floor polish, it has its uses in modelling due to at the time of its appearance it was the be all and end all. Things have moved on a lot since then. Acrylic varnishes are all over the place and do not cost as much as they might of done 'back then'. Any way that is not what you asked.

I don't know the brand that you mentioned. So only one thing for it. Paint a bit of plastic packaging with the same paints you do your model and then give it a go. If all is well after a day or three, slap it on the model.

All the other brands go on well with a brush. Just use a soft flat brush and apply nose to tail and watch out for runs and pooling. Any excess that does pool up can be wicked away with a dry brush.

1) yes. you might want to apply some decal softener before the second coat. that rather depends on you and the decals.

2) if you want a matt finish there are only two options. either a flat varnish as the final coat, or I believe that you can mix tamiya flat coat in with it and that will take the shine off. Again try it on a test piece first.

3)No. if the decals dont get down you will need a decal solution. You can try a mix of vinegar and distilled water max 30:70 again get that test piece out and try it first....can you see a theme developing here?

4) If you are going to weather the model I would put it second to last. muddy it up before the final coat.

5)yes. (short and to the point for once).

have fun

Ian M


Hey Ian,

Your a legend! Many thanks for a quick and helpful reply. I think I need some test pieces ( there was a theme developing:smiling3: My first model, a Revell 1/72 Spitfire is coming out of the closet ( it was that bad) in the name of science.



Ian M

Staff member
SMF Supporter
Dec 14, 2008
Falster, Denmark
First Name
You're welcome Justin. I hope that you get to the bottom of it.

Me a legend? Yeah in my own lunch box. LOL

It was a very klear question, thus easy to reply to.. See what I did there....

Ian M