Turned to the dark side, with a new airbrush!



ordered my new airbrush from john this afternoon, and got an amazing deal with it too!

I dropped my neo, and cracked the body somehow, so its binned, but after some advice, i bought the Harder steenbeck Ultra to replace it. I got it with a set of camo colour vallejo air so im well chuffed.

I would have liked to get the evolution or similar, but after plonking £3k down on my new Audi SQ3 i thought id better be a bit more frugal! All the reviews seem to really rate it as a lower end airbrush, and some rate it better than the neo, so happy days!

Cant wait till tomorrow for the courier to arrive!

Question time.

What do you all use to clean your airbrush? Ive been using IPA (as i only spray acrylic) and then if im done for the day, i use this can of ghiant aerosol airbrush cleaner, which i really like, as it works wonderfully.

Deleted member 4539

Hi Dave.

I use Premi Air liquid reamer.I mainly spray Tamiya acrylic.

And found this the best for me.

Keeps the brush really clean.

Deleted member 3568

Just checked it out nice motor mate, I just have a fiesta :sad:


I use Vallejo Airbrush Cleaner (I use acrylics only). I also thoroughly disassemble the nozzle and needle and thoroughly clean after every session using one of those tiny bottle brushes. (My ABing sessions are no longer than about 5 minutes). I also then put the disassembled AB into an ultrasonic cleaner (they cost about £30) and I'm sometimes surprised by the amount of tiny specs that come out.


I also use Vallejo airbrush Cleaner. Mainly as it is made and put together by the same people who produce the paint.

It also has a lubricant in it to look after the airbrush. I normally leave just a little in the cup after cleaning. Wait for that

snuffle just before it completely empties and release the trigger.

Just looked at the Ultra Spec.They have the option of 3 needles. I found with Vallejo Model Air the .4 nozzle needle set

works best Dave. If you have the .2 I would get some Vallejo Flow Improver which gives it the capability of Vallejo air.

You can try Vallejo thinners but have found the Flow Improver the best. With the H & S I use about 20PSI. An Iwata

about 15PSI.



Thanks all,

Laurie it does have the .2 needle, ive got Vallejo airbrush thinner, but i may well buy the .4 needle and nozzle set from john too. I need to ask him if he can get the larger paint cup too.


Could always go for the hassle-free route .... glorious enamels!

No tip clogging, no need for flow enhancers or expensive cleaners, use any needle / nozzle size

Case closed methinks! ;)


\ said:
Thanks all,
Laurie it does have the .2 needle, ive got Vallejo airbrush thinner, but i may well buy the .4 needle and nozzle set from john too. I need to ask him if he can get the larger paint cup too.
I would hang on with the cup Dave until you have tried the smaller one. I only have ever used the

larger one once. Most of my work is 1/48. Does you set come with a cap to the cup as they are

very handy and can save a lot of mess if you accidently tun it on it's side to far ?



No they dont come with a cap for the cup, but then the old airbrush had a cup cap, and i never used it!

John Rixon

\ said:
What do you all use to clean your airbrush?
If its a long session, blow some airbrush cleaner through it every 10 minutes or so, rarely happens with me now as only use it to blow a base coat on, but once I'm done, I blow water through it then dis-assemble it ( and the H&S is a true breeze to dis-assemble!) then give it 90 seconds in my ultra-sonic cleaner - comes out good as new every time!

With acrylics, you'll get to know when the paint is starting to turn (cure), it really pays to learn this as if you let it go once this happens, you WILL get clogs, and I don't mean Dutch shoes!