Andrew's 1/48 Academy Spitfire XIVc


I know its a bit sad but I like quickbuild kits!!!
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Sep 4, 2019
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Hi all

The two FW190s crossed the finish line earlier this week (more about that later) and so as I'm holiday I got cracking on my next subject....this.

If this review (link) is anything to by then there are some serious shape issues, most notably around the nose, albeit this individual (link) was less worried.

Despite the issues, I have chosen this kit for a number of reasons:
  • I'm not that fussed about inaccuracies....after all my first love is super simple wargaming kits!
  • It's in the stash and so far I have never dumped a kit just because of some 'minor' inaccuracies.
  • I won it in a charity raffle with ticket costing only 50p and so even if it is a bit of a dud, it's perfect practice for when I move onto the better quality 1/48 wingy kits in the stash....26 to be precise!
  • Believe it or not I have only ever done one other Spitfire and so I thought I should change that.

And actually despite the issues, considering this is a 1995 tooling (albeit a 2012 rebox), I don't think the surface detail looks too bad!

I intend for this to be a 'quick and dirty' OOB build as the 190s took far too long and so I'm not even bothering to worry about the ejector pin marks on the bottom of the cockpit walls, as they won't be seen once buttoned up - so for those of you that hate them, look away now!!

The usual sprue shots are below, along with where I had got up to after a couple of hours earlier this week...and so far no major dramas.

Since I took the below shots, I've started to apply the paint...the cockpit green went on an hour or so ago.

ACW as usual!




For once a relatively tidy bench, following a major tidy up post the 190s!!

And the latest victim!!


Jim R

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Apr 27, 2018
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An iconic Spitfire - what's not to like. Not bothered if there are a few inaccuracies it will end up looking like a Spitfire. Gonna have invasion stripes??


I know its a bit sad but I like quickbuild kits!!!
SMF Supporter
Sep 4, 2019
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Count me in Andrew before the rabble assemble.
An iconic Spitfire - what's not to like. Not bothered if there are a few inaccuracies it will end up looking like a Spitfire. Gonna have invasion stripes??

Welcome gents! The front row is filling up first.

@Jim R - short answer is yes....although in part because of the way the decals are constructed.....I have to do the ones on the fuselage. I've found a picture from the Imperial War Museum showing them only in the underside of the fuselage. Also, the plane was delivered to the squadron around the time squadrons were told to stop using them on the tops of wings, so at least I have some latitude there.

Thanks again chaps!




I know its a bit sad but I like quickbuild kits!!!
SMF Supporter
Sep 4, 2019
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Ok chaps, so its amazing what you can achieve when you have a week off work and nothing planned.

In terms of the build, this is where I'm at:
  • Cockpit done.....the IP had no decals and so I did the lightest of dry brushes with chrome to try to pick out some details. It's not perfect but is better than a black slab.
  • Main body assembly completed as far as it can go. Just need to attach canopy and then primer up next! I did though lose one of the stubs next to the 20mm cannon, so had to fashion a new one from styrene rod.
  • 'Add ons' such as undercarriage, spinner, prop blades cut off the sprue and already primed ready for some paint....I did a quick and dirty prime with some rattle can primer to move things on.

As you know, I like to do a bit of research on my builds where for better or worse here terms of the plane's history, there is a quite bit online - some of which indicates that Academy have got a few things wrong:
  • Spitfire RM619 AP-D (as per the decals) was Mk XIVe not a XIVc as per the box. I understand that the main difference is that the 20mm cannon were mounted on the outside of the wings with the 'e' wing. Whilst I can do this on the kit, it means that the cannon blisters would be in the wrong place and so I think it would look off. I've therefore fitted them as per the kit.
  • Apparently after leaving the factory, it passed through No. 33 MU (Maintenance Unit?) on 09/04/1944 and sent to its first squadron, 91 Squadron, on 12/07/1944. It is then apparently shown as passing to 130 (Punjab) Squadron (date unknown) and the 350 (Belgian) Squadron, in this case, either in early October 1944 or mid-January 1945 (the information I gives both dates without being definitive).
  • Apparently a mission on 16/01/1945 turned out to be its last flight, as it was shot down near Aachen (Germany) on an armed reconnaissance. F/Lt. Smets of 350 (Belgian) Squadron was badly hit and had to bale out, becoming a PoW.
  • A photo of it on the Imperial Museum website shows a very nice side shot.....leaving no doubt that the plane only had invasion stripes on the underside of the fuselage, whereas the decals have them around the whole of the fuselage. I can't fix this without wrecking the decals. I understand that, at least according to the rules, 'top side' invasion stripes were discontinued in early(?) July 1944. This info, combined with the lack of fuselage 'top' markings would indicate that I should not use the supplied invasion stripes on the top of the wing. I'm also planning to paint the stripes on the underside.
  • After I had glued the gunsight in place and was about to button it up, I realised too late that the gunsight was a solid lump of plastic.....and did not have an accompanying nice clear piece as even with the most basic of Airfix kits. As there was no way I could address this without risking damaging the kit, I simply paint the offending protrusion a very light silver/chrome colour....far from perfect but hopefully it won't look too obvious from a distance. Lesson learnt!

Whilst musing over the kit yesterday, it struck me that the profile of Griffon powered Spitfires front end bear a remarkably striking resemblance to Supermarine's Schneider Trophy entries, most noticeably S.6 and S.6B.

And finally there was a second RM619 flying after the war. The very short version is that after the war Rolls Royce bought an ex-RAF MK XIV, RM689 (this had the 'clipped' wings). In 1967/68, it was given the full elliptical wings as part of work on the film the Battle of Britain. For some reason after the filming was over, Rolls-Royce decided to keep the wingtips on and retain a camouflage scheme, albeit modified to be more correct for a late-war fighter. However, for some reason the wrong serial was applied, RM619, along with No 130 Squadron codes AP-D, which had nothing to do with RM689’s history. See here for the full story.

Usual set of pics below.

ACW as usual.




The real RM619

AIRCRAFT OF THE ROYAL AIR FORCE, 1939-1945: SUPERMARINE SPITFIRE.. Image: IWM (CL 1353) IWM Non Commercial License

My homage
As I said I wanted to keep it simple and quick, and so didn't enhance the cockpit in any way.

Spitfire MK XIV vs Supermarine S.6B....what do you think?



I know its a bit sad but I like quickbuild kits!!!
SMF Supporter
Sep 4, 2019
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You're not wasting any time, Andrew, progress is looking great!
Very nice Andrew, that IP turned pretty good.
Must admit to a liking of these Griffon Spitfires....
Good job Andrew
Nice work so far, looking good.
Interesting nose similarities with the S.6B - I wonder what the overall profile difference is.

Excellent work thus far.

Thanks chaps and pleased to hear you're liking it.

Arnold - I was struck by how similar they look in many respects.....not exactly the same but there look like touches where you can see the lineage...sort of cousins.

And I was surprised at how fast it was....the fastest it ever flew was a smidge over 400mph!! Imagine what it could have achieved without the great big floats attached and all the associated drag! :surprised:

Thanks again.



I know its a bit sad but I like quickbuild kits!!!
SMF Supporter
Sep 4, 2019
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OK chaps, so more progress:
  • Plane, radiator covers and undercarriage covers all primed in black, showing some nice detail, given the age of the kit (1995)!
  • Spinner painted in Sky, hopefully with a subtle mottling effect.
  • Prop blades all painted and ready for assembly with the spinner.

ACW as usual!


