By popular request GB Rules.

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Ian M

Staff member
SMF Supporter
Dec 14, 2008
Falster, Denmark
First Name
There has been several enquires from the newer members for the rules for the Group builds and what the difference between a GB and SIGB.

Right Rule #1 the GB/SIG moderator has the last word !!!

Rule #2 Building may first begin on the date stated. This is normally the first day of the month in which the build starts. The end date is the last day of the last month stated as being the end of the build. The end date is semi-flexible as there are a few of us the some times bite off more than we can chew and "real life" can sometimes get in the way!"

Rule #3: The first post can be started as soon as the forum for the GB/SIG is opened. This is normally around a week before the start day. This enables participants to be able to a; post what they have planed and others can often come with some good ideas and referances BEFORE you get started. b; You get the chance top open the box and dribble down your chin in anticipation!

Rule #4; which is in part also rule 3. The first post should contain a picture of the box art and the sprues (with all the parts attached). In certain circumstances, a part started kit can be accepted, as long as it is not two licks of paint from being finished!

Thats the rules! all four of them.

Any restrictions regarding scale, make, or any other special points will be posted as soon as they are decided, which will always be at the time the GB/SIG is announced!

Should any body have any doubts about the kit they wish to build being accepted, send a PM to the GB Mod., before you go out and use all your pocket money on it.

I hope these simple points and rules are acceptable.

Please see rule # 1

Ian M
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