1/72 MAN 8x8 Truck

  • Thread starter Deleted member 7181
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Deleted member 7181

A bit of detail painting, pin wash around some areas and made another item of cargo for the load bed. Will probably be doing a coat of varnish once that lot has dried then onto some light weathering.




Member of the Rabble and Pyromania Consultant
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May 26, 2015
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Andy there is nothing wrong with that finish at all :thumb2::thumb2::thumb2::thumb2::thumb2: from me .
As to your wows with the paint, it seems some of us love Vallejo , other hate it .
I've had my trouble with AK , just the same as you had with the Vallejo.

Having battled with mixes etc I think half of the problem is dried paint particals falling into the cup from the bottle.
I looked a one of my Russian 4 BO bottles tips and it was covered in crap.
Not saying yours are:smiling2: as can't believe a pro sprayer would do such a thing !
Oh time you altered your photo to include you are a member of the " Rabble " Jim is so right , he of course runs the tidy bench club , very few of us have even attempted to gain entry, I've failed 3 times and now banned :smiling3: Matron has just arrived , ow that hurt, " get up then " going , bye .

Deleted member 7181

Thanks Chris and John. I'm getting over my doom and gloom of yesterday. I need to remember that the pictures are many time larger than the real thing and most of the stuff I'm worried about can't be seen from more than a few inches away!

Made up a makeshift "hot box" to try and cure it a bit quicker. Warmed up the model and a ceramic tile with a hairdryer, covered it in a takeaway container and some PUR foam. Heath Robinson would be proud :smiling5:

Picture proves I'm holding up my end of the messy workbench club too.


John, I'm sure it must be something like that. I'm on the hunt for some small filters to try and rule that out. With such a small 0.2 nozzle I'm guessing it won't take much to block it up. I saw a video by one guy that was convinced it had something to do with the shaking of the bottles introducing air into the paint, causing dried bits to form. Not sure if that's the case but if I can eliminate one thing at a time hopefully I'll discover what I'm doing wrong.


FAA plane builder
Mar 31, 2019
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Nope. Nope nope nope. Nope.

Just looking at that bench pic makes me anxious!

I’m sure you’ll get to the bottom of paint problem.
I can only suggest it might be the thinners? I use vallejos AB thinner and adjust ratio until paint runs smooth and haven’t had issues. Also run compressor at 15 - 20 psi.


SMF Supporter
Nov 17, 2016
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I've had trouble with semi-dried paint around the tip of the bottle. I keep trying to remind myself to wipe the tip of the bottle before loading the airbrush, but rarely do! A single drop of thinners in the cup before the paint seems to help too.

Deleted member 7181

I'm using their thinner as it happens, it's somewhere in the chaos on my bench :smiling5: near my makeshift brush holder. I've been caught out by mixing brands and products at work so have brought that mindset home with me. I also always mix/thin it first before adding it to the airbrush so that the consistency is even. I'm trying to do what I can but must be missing something somewhere.

I really do need a bit of a tidy up. I'm trying to get in the habit of doing it before I start a new kit, deep clean all my brushes, empty my "slops" pots, make new sanding sticks etc. but once I'm rolling I like to have everything to (left) hand. I did keep losing my knife amongst all the shiny metal things though so I wrapped it in dayglo tape!

Deleted member 7181

Just to add to this, I put a coat of clear on this afternoon (Mr Color GX-100) and it sprayed lovely, so at least I can rule out a problem with the airbrush. If there was any dried acrylic clogging the nozzle then the thinners I sprayed through first must have cleared it out (before painting I always flush the AB through with the relevant thinner for the material first, even if I put it away clean. A carry over from work again).

I'm now onto the steady weathering stage with this and back to work tomorrow so updates will slow down a bit. I'm dying to crack on with the MI-24P I've just received but really ought to spend a bit of time with the family :smiling5: I'm also looking forward to my first car kit arriving, a Fathers Day present, but that's coming from Japan so might take a while!

Deleted member 7181

Thanks Steve, glad you like it.

I did have a good tidy up on the bench though, finding drawer space for some of the stuff that was scattered around. I don't want to go too mad with organisation just yet as I plan to build a DIY spray booth and will work storage around that.

Slowly does it though.

Si Benson

SMF Supporter
Apr 27, 2018
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Morning Andy,
Some excellent progress :thumb2: I see your experiencing some difficulties with the acrylic paint, like many of us do. I had the same issue but tried this stuff.

Not to confused with VJ airbrush thinner. I used it with Mig AMMO acrylic and VJ acrylic and got some good results where normally it would spit and sputter and drive me bonkers:tired:

I airbrushed all acrylic for this build Here and it turned out nicely :thumb2:

Lee Drennen

Box Stock Builder with a Twist/ Rabble Member
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Apr 29, 2018
Wortham Mo
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You have taken to this like a duck to water, including joining in so well on the Forum.
I think you should become a member of the Honorable Order of the Rabble, more commonly known as the Rabble .
Great work, enjoying this .

I second that John we need one more honorable member to keep you away from fire

Lee Drennen

Box Stock Builder with a Twist/ Rabble Member
SMF Supporter
Apr 29, 2018
Wortham Mo
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Hi Andy
Great progress and an invitation to join The Rabble. Matron comes round to members regularly with the tablets although some are so far gone straight jackets and cattle prods are the order of the day :rolling:
I like your additions to the cab. Instructions are often lacking but a bit of thought can usually get you by.

Did someone say Medication 0BBBB2DC-A017-4877-9D54-167CD6FD73B8.jpeg

Lee Drennen

Box Stock Builder with a Twist/ Rabble Member
SMF Supporter
Apr 29, 2018
Wortham Mo
First Name
Your truck is looking great! Your making me want to finish a 1970-80s Russian Ural truck it’s almost completed. I really like your camo great job keep it going

Deleted member 7181

Morning Andy,
Some excellent progress :thumb2: I see your experiencing some difficulties with the acrylic paint, like many of us do. I had the same issue but tried this stuff.

View attachment 344879
Not to confused with VJ airbrush thinner. I used it with Mig AMMO acrylic and VJ acrylic and got some good results where normally it would spit and sputter and drive me bonkers:tired:

I airbrushed all acrylic for this build Here and it turned out nicely :thumb2:
Thanks Si. I think I mentioned in my rant that I'd tried with and without their flow aid/improver but it didn't seem to help. Are you using it as well as their thinner, or instead of? I'm sure somewhere along the way I tried every combination but it would be good to know. Can I also ask what airbrush and nozzle set up you use out of interest?

When I see the great work that you and others do with these paints it makes me even more frustrated that I'm having these issues. It's clearly something I'm doing wrong, but I haven't found out what yet lol.

Your truck is looking great! Your making me want to finish a 1970-80s Russian Ural truck it’s almost completed. I really like your camo great job keep it going

Thanks Lee, I'm really enjoying this one despite my whining over the paint. I know it's far too early to find myself a niche but I'm sure I'll be doing more vehicles in this scale.

How else would you mix the paint in a dropper bottle?

With an agitator in the bottle he swirled it around or flicked it side to side, rather than a vigorous up and down shake. He believed that introduced less air into the paint so caused less dry lumps forming around the bubbles. I'm not convinced but it worked perfectly for him so fair play.


I'm pretty sure John hit the nail on the head with the dried bits. It's something that caught many of us out back when the automotive industry started moving over to water based paints. With solvents any dried up bits that fell into the tin would simply be dissolved back into paint. That doesn't happen with water based acrylics as once they've dried they will never dissolve back into the original so suddenly everyone had to start filtering paint for every job, rather than just the posh ones :smiling5:

I've managed to blag a small reusable 200 micron filter from a colleague so next time I'm painting we'll see if that helps.

Thanks again for all the help and suggestions. I get down about things really quickly but it's great to know you guys have got my back :smiling3:


Member of the Rabble and Pyromania Consultant
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May 26, 2015
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I’m not convinced. By this logic the paint should have a crusty lid every time you open the pot.
Good point ,and it might indeed.

Thanks Chris and John. I'm getting over my doom and gloom of yesterday. I need to remember that the pictures are many time larger than the real thing and most of the stuff I'm worried about can't be seen from more than a few inches away!

Made up a makeshift "hot box" to try and cure it a bit quicker. Warmed up the model and a ceramic tile with a hairdryer, covered it in a takeaway container and some PUR foam. Heath Robinson would be proud :smiling5:

Picture proves I'm holding up my end of the messy workbench club too.

View attachment 344779

John, I'm sure it must be something like that. I'm on the hunt for some small filters to try and rule that out. With such a small 0.2 nozzle I'm guessing it won't take much to block it up. I saw a video by one guy that was convinced it had something to do with the shaking of the bottles introducing air into the paint, causing dried bits to form. Not sure if that's the case but if I can eliminate one thing at a time hopefully I'll discover what I'm doing wrong.
Thought that was my bench for a split second Andy, just how I work , then the big clear up , finding all the missing bits !
Good to see you have altered your details as well .



SMF Supporter
Nov 17, 2016
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Well Chris, Vallejo bottles seem to have a dried crust around the dropper end of the bottle. I'm not convinced that rolling or swirling would put any less air into the paint than shaking, but I do think it sensible to wipe the dropper end before dripping paint into the cup.