!/72 Academy PBY CAT


SMF Supporter
Jul 22, 2008
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Looks very nice Theuns,well worth a pat on the back. As for me it's not the masking but the unmasking I dread! That's when you see where it's all gone horribly wrong (sometimes).



'Stashitis' victim
SMF Supporter
May 17, 2009
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\ said:
Looks very nice Theuns,well worth a pat on the back. As for me it's not the masking but the unmasking I dread! That's when you see where it's all gone horribly wrong (sometimes).Steve
I gotta second all these comments! That's a nice aeroplane, and just like Stona, it's usually the unmasking that I dread most! I'm never sure how well my masking is going to work - even on the main body of the kit I'm painting. It's especially worrying on the clear parts.


T. van Vuuren

Thanx Lads.I messed upon the front side no decal,major "silvering" on that one!But the rest came out rather nice and look likt they were painted on.

One hassle with this kit is that no mention is made toweigh down the nose, as you can see it is still tailheavy even with some lead in the nose!Hence the humbrol pot under the tail.

On this model some of the cabin windows are only a few mm across, much to small to masf with tape.I used white wood gleu aplied with a toothpick to paint over the clear bits.The problem however, as can bee seen in the pix is that I put it on to thick and when I remover it bt simply lifting away from the plastic, is chiped some of the paint edges.

I like the tecnique as there is no "cutting" on the plastic and the glue has no effect on the clarity of the plastic at all.

Maybe a slightly thinned down mix will work next time.

I also like the early war collours as they are rather collourfull and stand out from the other grey /dull models.

Thats why my next project is a 1/48 Italeri T-6 harvard in early SAAF (or actually Union of SA) commenwealth collours like this one.

I plan to do a lot of reserch first as I will be working on the full size T-6's and have ample oppertunity to get some good scale pix.

The idea is to cut the side pannels of to simulate a plane being serviced as the kit has a very detailed internal tube construction for the cockpit.

Enjoy the weekend.Wit the waether we are having I feel like I am in the UK !


View attachment 19803



\ said:
I am busy with this 1/72 Cat and this is what I have done so far.Some filling was requred on the joints, not much though.

I have also cut off and reglued the elevators back in the down position as they were on the ground.

Will be painted in the US military Pacific collours of white bottom and medium blue top.

What can I use to mask off the windows for painting, I have heard of "mask all" but will something like that work on small windows/

Some one I know have used white pva wood glue thinned with water in the same manner and said itcame off without any hassle and worked well.

Or is good old masking tape still the only real way?

Thoughts please.


I use painters tape, the same as masking but less sticky...I just cut it into VERY small pieces to apply.

T. van Vuuren

What I use to do the masking,if the area is large enough, it "fine line masking tape" that I use when I paint the full size planes.It looks like plastic insulation tape and goes arround corners without any trouble.

Comes in 1/4" and thinner.

It also doesn't lift the underlying paint and gives a nice crisp line.

This tape you can get at most automotive paint shops.Costs arround $8 for 100'. This translates into a lot of models masked.
