airbrush problem


Tyler Christiansen

hey guys im having this airbrush problem when i went to check to make sure it still works and it sprayed the paint but then it just didnt spray the paint at all could it be dried up paint?


SMF Supporter
Feb 29, 2012
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This is a pretty common situation usually called tip dry. It seems that as you have been spraying the paint has been drying up on the tip until it becomes blocked. Dont know if you are using enamels or acrylics but it happens with both. You will need to follow the manufacturers advice on cleaning the airbrush being careful not to bend the needle. When it is clean you can help avoid this situation by making sure that you mix your paints to a consistancy where the paint flows more freely/easily. I was told to mix it to the consistancy of milk. I use enamels but I believe that if you use acrylics their is a fluid you can add to the paint that helps to stop it drying in the airbrush. Perhaps someone else can chip in with some advice on that.

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SMF Supporter
Jul 23, 2011
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I would suggest subscribing to the Flory Models website (£3 per month) it is a brilliant resource with airbrush training videos, among other things, that will help answer your questions. I am on a learning curve with an airbrush myself and was tempted to pay out for a day's training but changed my mind after subscribing to Flory. The website is here and it is brilliant value for your £3...- Flory models Home


Tyler we really need information to give advice.

What paint are you using. Acrylic, Enamel & manufacturer ?

Also the type of brush which will make it easier for a person using this type to advise. Cup or bottle feed ?

Did you thin the paint ?

When you attempt to use the brush can you feel air coming out of the nozzle end. IE is the compressor & air working correctly.

After every session my brush is dismantled & cleaned. Main areas the nozzle & you need a reamer to clean that thorougly. Brushes to clean through the needle channel housing. Clean out junk from the cup to the nozzle. Any junk left in here will block the nozzle.

At the end of cleaning & after putting back together spray a cup of airbrush cleaner through the system.

Sorry to sound so headmasterish !

Also go whole heartedly with Barry get Flory.


Tyler Christiansen

ok thank you and tecdes the paints are a mixture of acrylics and enamels (tamiya and model master) the brush is a master airbrush model G22 and for thinning i thin the tamiya down to about the consistency of milk but i dont thin the model master because it says it is pre thinned
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\ said:
ok thank you and tecdes the paints are a mixture of acrylics and enamels (tamiya and model master) the brush is a master airbrush model G22 and for thinning i thin the tamiya down to about the consistency of milk but i dont thin the model master because it says it is pre thinned
Hi Tyler

Regret I do not use those paints. I go with Vallejo. So it is best those that do help you out.

What I do know is that Vallejo is described as airbrush ready but I still thin 40 to 50 %. Also find that the size of nozzle has a lot to do with thinning. I started with a .4 nozzle & did not thin. But when I went to a .2 I had a lot of problems until I started thinning.

Another which may help. When I get a blockage, if I have left the brush for a period for instance, I give it a full blast against any odd plastic drinks container. This on average clears it. Or a squirt into the front end of the nozzle with airbrush cleaner working the trigger back & forwards. Not pointing towards the face to see what is happening, not a fun idea. Water is OK but the cleaner seems to disolve.

Sure others will help with thinning your paints.


Tyler Christiansen

ok well today im going to the hobby store to buy some more thinners as i have ran out so im going to pick some up and try to clean it out and if it does not fix it then ill see what else might be the problem

thank you all for the advice


SMF Supporter
Jul 22, 2008
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If you've got air and no paint there is probably a blockage in the paint track somewhere. This may or may not be in the nozzle. I'd suggest giving a blast with your thinners and if this doesn't work use cellulose/lacquer thinners You can try some thinners interdental brushes down the paint track. If all else fails give it a soak for an hour and try again.



Tyler Christiansen

well i just gave it a blast of my thinners and now it works so thank you guys :D