Cromwell IV tank stowage and aerial



Need some help on where to buy 1/76 stowage for my Cromwell tank and how to achieve replicating an aerial.


Way past the mad part
SMF Supporter
Apr 28, 2018
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I like to make aerials from 0.3 or 0.4 mm spring steel wire: drill a hole in the mounting (I usually make that 0.1 mm larger than the wire), insert it, and cut it to length, then remove it again and superglue it in place before painting it. The advantage of spring steel is that it will snap back into shape if you happen to bump it, rather than bend or break like softer metal wire or plastic might. On the other hand, you need to be careful that you don’t prick yourself on the wire if you’re picking up the model (I found this especially a problem for wargaming models, which you often view from above and so barely see the aerials when you pick up the model).

Another common choice is stretched sprue: cut maybe a 10 cm length of sprue, light a candle, and hold the sprue above the flame. Roll it between your fingers until it goes soft, then pull your hands apart. This may take a little practice to get right, but you’ll have plenty of material to do that with :smiling3: