Disney Christmas Quiz



A few times over the years I have put together a Disney Movie quiz just as a bit of fun for Christmas. I thought as I am at home this year I would throw one together just to see how far back some of your minds can go and what bits of childhood memories are still there!

All I would ask however is that anyone having a go do not get on the internet, find out all the answers and post them immediately on this thread! That only wastes the time I have put into assembling the questions and spoils it for everyone else. I would suggest that you try the quiz from your own head and if you want to research the answers then keep them to yourselves. Obviously I will be happy to answer any questions and I will post up all the answers in a few days time.

Most importantly enjoy it and have a bit of fun.

1) Kicking off with a really simple one, "What year was "The Jungle Book" released in the UK?

2) What was the name of the Tiger in "The Jungle Book"?

3) What links Mrs Potts in "Beauty and the Beast" with "Bedknobs and Broomsticks"?

4) A strangely lesser known film but one of my favorites as a youngster, what movie, released in 1963, tells the story of King Arthur and the Wizard Merlin?

5) In what move will you see Mickey Mouse performing as "The Sorcerer's Apprentice"?

6) Which movie released in 1937 is generally regarded as the first full length animated feature from Disney Studios?

7) What movie, released in 2006, was a collaboration between Dreamworks and Aardman Animations and was an attempt by Disney to form a longer lasting relationship with the Aardman studios?

8) What movie does the expression " This isn't flying, this is falling with style" come from?

9) According to a movie released in 2002, what is ten times more powerful than fear?

10) Name two Disney animated movies that Phil Collins appears in the sound track credits.

11) What movie, starring Johnny Depp, tells the story of the creation of Peter Pan by the writer J. M. Barrie?

12) What does the acronym Wall-E stand for?

13) There are not too many actresses who won a Best Actress award for her first full length movie however Julie Andrews did just that with her first for Disney. What part did she play in 1964?

14) What was Mickey Mouse's first movie, released in 1928?

15) What long running movie franchise, starting in 1977, did Disney acquire in 2012?

16) In what movie would you find a Clown Fish named Marlin?

17) How many books did C.S. Lewis write about the fantasy land of Narnia and how many have been made into movies so far Disney?

18) In which Disney movie would you find the characters Chip and Lumiere?

19) In what Disney movie would you find Ben Affleck, Kate Beckinsale and Josh Hartnet forming a love triangle during World War two?

20) Disney Cruise Line Ships have a signature musical whistle which plays "When you wish upon a Star". Which movie does this tune come from?

papa 695

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May 9, 2011
Doncaster, South Yorkshire
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Sorry Richard I did like the quiz but didn't put any answers up as not to spoil it for anybody else. I don't know them all and not looked on the internet for any answers will wait till you post them on


2 Sere khan

3 Jessica Lansbury

4 The Sorcerers apprentice

5 Fantasier

6 Snow white


8 Toy story

9 Laughter

10 Lion King




14 Steam boat willy



17 3 and 2

18 Ratatouee

19 Pearl Harbour



Hi Ian, What can happen is that someone looks up all the answers on the internet and then posts them up, which tends to spoil it for everyone else before you get past the first day!! Thanks for having a go, you've got seven right.
Apr 7, 2012
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Right just seen this, lets have a go,,,,


2.Shere Khan

3.Angela Lansbury? Murder she wrote woman :smiling3:

4.Sword in the Stone


6.Snow White


8.Toy Story


10. Tarzan and......

11.Never never land

12 Waste allocator load lifter earth

13.Mary Poppins

14.Steam Boat Willy

15.Star Wars, or more correctly Lucas Films

16.Finding Nemo

17.5 and 3

18.Beauty and the beast,,, be our guest be our guest put our cusine to the test :smiling3:

19.Pearl Harbour


I have almost all the early Disney movies on my shelves, my favourite is still The Little Mermaid :smiling3:



SMF Supporter
Nov 16, 2012
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1) Kicking off with a really simple one, "What year was "The Jungle Book" released in the UK?

2) What was the name of the Tiger in "The Jungle Book"? Shere Khan

3) What links Mrs Potts in "Beauty and the Beast" with "Bedknobs and Broomsticks"?

Angela Lansbury

4) A strangely lesser known film but one of my favorites as a youngster, what movie, released in 1963, tells the story of King Arthur and the Wizard Merlin? The Sword in the stone

5) In what move will you see Mickey Mouse performing as "The Sorcerer's Apprentice"?


6) Which movie released in 1937 is generally regarded as the first full length animated feature from Disney Studios?

Snow White

7) What movie, released in 2006, was a collaboration between Dreamworks and Aardman Animations and was an attempt by Disney to form a longer lasting relationship with the Aardman studios?

8) What movie does the expression " This isn't flying, this is falling with style" come from?

Toy Story

9) According to a movie released in 2002, what is ten times more powerful than fear?

10) Name two Disney animated movies that Phil Collins appears in the sound track credits.

11) What movie, starring Johnny Depp, tells the story of the creation of Peter Pan by the writer J. M. Barrie?

Never land

12) What does the acronym Wall-E stand for?

13) There are not too many actresses who won a Best Actress award for her first full length movie however Julie Andrews did just that with her first for Disney. What part did she play in 1964?

Mary poppins

14) What was Mickey Mouse's first movie, released in 1928? Steam boat willy

15) What long running movie franchise, starting in 1977, did Disney acquire in 2012?

16) In what movie would you find a Clown Fish named Marlin?finding nemo

17) How many books did C.S. Lewis write about the fantasy land of Narnia and how many have been made into movies so far Disney?

Seven and three

18) In which Disney movie would you find the characters Chip and Lumiere?

Beauty an the beast

19) In what Disney movie would you find Ben Affleck, Kate Beckinsale and Josh Hartnet forming a love triangle during World War two?

20) Disney Cruise Line Ships have a signature musical whistle which plays "When you wish upon a Star". Which movie does this tune come from?



Adrian, great attempt, 14 right. Never Never Land isn't quite correct but pretty close and I'm amazed that anyone got Wall-E correct!


OK All, apologies for the delay. Now that I've found where this has been moved to I can post the answers!

1) 1968

2) Shere Khan

3) Angela Lansbury

4) The Sword in the Stone

5) Fantasia

6) Snow White

7) Flushed Away

8) Toy Story

9) Laughter

10) Tarzan and Brother Bear

11) Finding Neverland

12) Waste Allocation Load Lifter-Earth Class

13) Mary Poppins

14) Steamboat Willie

15) Star wars (Lucas Arts)

16) Finding Nemo

17) Seven and Three

18) Beauty and the Beast

19) Pearl Harbor

20) Pinocchio


I guess you got the highest score! As long as people enjoyed it, that's all that matters.


A learner learning
SMF Supporter
Jul 17, 2011
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Thanks for the quiz Richard, I enjoyed that.
