Flapping a 747



Hi all,

Here are the steps I used to flap-out the two 747 MID's I've done this year. Aftermarket, what's that?

You can use the cut out LE slats, but the Flaps have to be scratched. *use the flap section cut from the top wing half as a length & angle guide when forming the new ones*

Refer to ref pictures for the correct position and angle to cut the flap guides...

I used bent pieces of spru as the internal braces for the flap guides, which works well because of the hollow flap guides. I super-glued them into place, then covered that with Testor's glue, which creates a strong bond for working up the flaps.

Note the thinning of the area underneath the Spoilers, and how the flap guide cuts are off-set in the wing.

Refer to ref pictures for the correct flap guide deflection angle. Be conservative here.

The center Slotted Flap section is the mounting surface, and should be made with more Chord than flap section you cut out. The other sections must be sized relative to the center one through reference pictures. I have them chronologically arranged.


I cut the 1st slot from the top wing half leading edge of an unbuilt trash model and sanded it into shape.

Actuators made from cut sections of Christmas Tree ornament hangers.

2nd & 3rd Slot are sanded sections of sheet styrene. Note Under-cut on #2 Slot, and Upper-cut on #3

"Wouldn't AM accessories save lots of trouble?"

"Only if you'd rather spend less time Modeling."

Take care,

