Is it just me?

Ian M

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Dec 14, 2008
Falster, Denmark
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Or was the last group build to long? It does seem that the initial interrest sort of died down but boy did it die down. Also I have noticed that several of the builds both compleated and still uncompleated contain comments like 'I ran out of steam' or 'Lost interrest' 'I could not get into it'

Whilst the idea/theme was great and had plenty of scope I susspect that a lot of us, me included had that thought in the back of our minds called "well loads of time, on need to rush into it". The standard of the submissions is still fantastic and there has been some beauties put up in the compleated section. I think that over half the starters have yet to cross the finnish line. I dont think that that in its self is a sign that four months is not long enough, quite the opposite.

What do you think? This is by no means a snipe at the section boss, and the subject of time was long debated. The question to the floor is was it to long?

Ian M


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Dec 2, 2008
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\ said:
Or was the last group build to long? It does seem that the initial interrest sort of died down but boy did it die down. Also I have noticed that several of the builds both compleated and still uncompleated contain comments like 'I ran out of steam' or 'Lost interrest' 'I could not get into it'
Mine purely was because i had alot of family up (6 weeks worth), went on holiday for a week and also had something going on in my personal life that needed sorting out. Granted i did hit a brick wall with it because of the problems i had with it but, as i have stated in my build thread in a sadistic way i've enjoyed the challenges and had to expand my skills base to overcome the problems.

I should hopefully finish my build tomorrow night and present it on the final day, sunday :smiling3:


I agree Ian, it fell into two camps. Those that finished in the first month and those who left it too late (yep, that includes me) leaving those who slowly worked through the GB without enough support and encouragement.

The reason it was put to 4 months was purely on the basis that most people were saying that they didn't do much modelling through the summer due to hols and the nice weather tempting people out into the garden or further.

I have to say though that all through the summer, the Forum has been booming, loads of new members, a few that appear to have gone to pastures new but above all, stacks of builds. It has been my first summer on the Forum and, to be honest, I was expecting it to virtually dry up through what has been, in the UK, a fairly good summer. How wrong could I have been, it has just galloped along.

Remember, November is the month we are looking at what we want to do with future GBs, even if it is to not bother, so keep those PMs coming in to me with not only ideas for what subjects but your comments on the future of GBs. November is also my first anniversary on Scale Models Forum so I am a relative newcomer really but that first intro post I made nearly a year ago was the best thing I ever did in modelling, I have never been off the computer since......

So, the GBs are not the all and end all but maybe the summer one was a mistake, I don't know. However, it is you guys that make the forum so whatever you want, however you want it (assuming it is possible) we can do it.

Keep your ideas coming, it is not for me to to tell you guys what to do, it is for you to tell me what to set up, then I let John know and he does all the work :laughing:


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Mar 6, 2009
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Hi Ian/Graham

I don't know if you remember but I did warn against flagging enthusiasm in long builds when we had the poll for the summer GB. Back then it was suggested that we may have a 6 month build!!!?

Here's my thoughts at the time:

Hi Graham

I'm happy with any of those suggestions. The only thing is I can use models from my stash for all of the themes except the Eastern Front, which will mean adding to the pile! I voted wheeled or tracked vehicle in the hopes I could reduce the stash, but I'm happy either way!!!

All the suggestions are good and I'm sure great things will come out of whatever theme is chosen.

About the build time; personally I think 3 months is enough, as I kind of think that enthusiasm and interest may fade over a longer period. I'm not saying that a 6 month build wouldn't produce some great stuff, as I'm positive it would, but wouldn't anything more complex really belong on another part of the forum? Also a longer deadline often just means virtually the same amount of work with twice

the amount of talk about work - why procrastinate today when you can put it off till tomorrow?!!!!

As far as my build for the summer GB goes I tried to get a project that would: a. fill the time, and b. be a bit of a challenge. From a personal point of view I think I've achieved this but I still think (as I did then) that GBs should be 2 months long max, and I do agree with Ron in that there should be a week or 2 between each to let the previous builds sink in and be appreciated as a kind of 'gallery period' before moving to the next.

As always these are only my thoughts and of course everything should be put to the vote.

Meanwhile, I'm going to get some paint on my T-34!!!

All the best
