Revell 1/96 Cutty Sark


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Nov 8, 2018
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Some very fine work there an detail very nicely done this should be a model ship to be proud of mr conkers


All I can say is I think I tripped and fell into the right hole. Due to quarantine of sorts I dug out an old kit of the Cutty I have had since the early 90's.
You are about to become my "mentor". I have not done modeling since the mid 70's but following this build has really lit a fire under me, you have done nothing less than a beautiful and exceptional job so I am sure I will be asking a question or two once I get going. Mine is in a different box but the model itself looks the same so will assume that it is a difference in production year or being made for US vs. England or something like that.
Will definitely be looking over your shoulder.

Bobby Conkers

Sausage Fingers
SMF Supporter
Jan 1, 2020
North of the South.
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All I can say is I think I tripped and fell into the right hole. Due to quarantine of sorts I dug out an old kit of the Cutty I have had since the early 90's.
You are about to become my "mentor". I have not done modeling since the mid 70's but following this build has really lit a fire under me, you have done nothing less than a beautiful and exceptional job so I am sure I will be asking a question or two once I get going. Mine is in a different box but the model itself looks the same so will assume that it is a difference in production year or being made for US vs. England or something like that.
Will definitely be looking over your shoulder.
Gosh, how flattering! If I've inspired you then it gives me great pleasure.

Make sure you start a thread and let us see how it's going - these chaps are far beyond my expertise but the whole becomes greater than the sum.

Let us see the box as well, it may just be a rebox I have. I can point you to some better instructions than the latest as well!

Good luck with it - it's suspended while I finish a mini-project and cure a finger problem which will prevent me rigging. And ask any questions you wish.


"Gosh, how flattering! If I've inspired you then it gives me great pleasure. " Credit where credit is due, and don't take my word for it, there is a whole line of compliments in front of mine. Beautiful work, not negotiable. But yes you have inspired
"these chaps are far beyond my expertise but the whole becomes greater than the sum" If these chaps are far beyond you, then I am at the bottom of the food chain.
"cure a finger problem which will prevent me rigging" That's just great, I have arthritis. This could be the be the blind leading the blind. Hope your problem is correctable, mine isn't, a form of non treatable unless I want to suck tylenol all day for the discomfort and that isn't going to happen. Life is too short to dance with ugly women................
AlenG turned me on to a site where I got a couple of out of box instructs that were in PDF so were pretty decent and was able to print pretty clean but am now starting to research paint options with all the new stuff out there. So many decisions. ...................... and decide if I want/need to invest in an airbrush. So have time to continue research on instructions and will appreciate any and everything you throw at me.


From what I remember ( and you can't trust that across the street) this is the same box as the one I almost finished back in the 70's, this one was purchased around 91-93 neither of us can remember which Christmas she gave it to me for. Just noticed the construction level is 3 they must have had me in mind

Bobby Conkers

Sausage Fingers
SMF Supporter
Jan 1, 2020
North of the South.
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BUT MR Conkers you'd only go an spend the dosh on summit eles wont you like your wife 's fitted kitchen if you got a SWMBO or something elese just think weve sayed you from that ;) :cold-sweat::cold-sweat:;););):tired:

The Enemy is very happy with my hobbies, as they keep me quiet and she can get on with watching shite on the telly and researching lethal diseases. Acutally, the kitchen was very much my purchase, I'm a bit of a foodie. But getting the drive resurfaced? Stuff that, I need some new Vallejos.


Weeeeelllllllllllllll........................ Been nice talkin to you guys

(A) We are on a fixed income and my wife has most of it. (B) When we bought this house, she said BOTH cars will always be parked in the garage. (C) As I started to decline into retirement I closed my storefront and somewhat turned the back bedroom into an office/assembly plant, worked well until she decided that she deserved half of it so moved in an Elliptical, ceder chest and her desk, I have been relegated to two small folding tables. (D) We have three closets, two of which are hers, the third one IS mine but is divided half and half between my clothes and a shelving unit for STUFF.
My only option seems to be get rid of the clothes.
So OK wise guys, I'm all ears, let's hear some of those brilliant solutions :upside:

Bobby Conkers

Sausage Fingers
SMF Supporter
Jan 1, 2020
North of the South.
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Option 1: just go with it. We have 4 double wardrobes. I use 2/3 of one, and get moaned at for that.
Option 2: mariticide. Not recommended, I gather they look down on this.
Option 3: promise to build extension with workshop. Dependant on gullibility of spouse.
Option 4: Pub. Moan. See 1.