Revell H.M.S. Victory Rigging help



Hey, I'm currently working on this set & I'm about to start on the rigging. I was wondering if anyone had any tips or hints on how to easily handle it? Whenever I've done rigging before I always end up with too little/too much cut off & very narrowly avoid running out before I've actually finished. Theis one also seens quite fragile, & I'm worried about it snapping or in time drying out, pulling too taunt & breaking whatever it's attached to.

Any tips from people who've done this set, or just boats with excessive rigging before, would be greatly appreciated :smiling3:


Howdy Miss caroline ma'am,

First allow me to welcome you to the forum, we are glad you are here.

Ok, now I do not build ships myself, but this method will work on ships and aircraft alike.

You will need some nylon monofiliment fishing line, they vary in thickness so choose the "test" which best suits your need.

cut off more than enough to run between two points on your model and using cyno-acrylate glue (super glue) affix one end of the line to your model and allow to dry. Then affix the other end of the line to the other 'point" on your model with about 1/8th inch left dont have to pull the line real tight, but do get as much slack out as you can. After this end dries, cut off the excess line and using a lit cigarette, a hair dryer or any other source of heat (except an open flame), slowly heat the line between the two glued points....this will cause the line to shrink between the two points creating a nice, tight rigging which can be painted after all the rigging is done.

I hope this helps,

Greg aka GW

ps: you can glue line across line where needed and heat in the same manner to make it taught. Monofiliment fishing line is all I use now for rigging since it is (a) flexible, (b) easily tighened and © can be painted easlily. I believe if you will try it, you will never use anything else again.


^ Thank you, thats actually a really good idea :smiling3: I've tried to do bits with the string that comes with the set, but it keeps snapping & irritating me, so I'll definatly give that a go :goodidea:


Hi Caroline

I spent so long explaining it shut me out!!

quick version -heavy twine - super glue ends, sharpen when dry - black insulation [cut of electric flex] round dead eyes adjust then glue.

example members list peter22 - sea witch

hope of use
