Tailwheels & skids.


SMF Supporter
Apr 18, 2004
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The tailwheel or skid on your new model will take quite a bit of hammering so make a good job of it,instead of just attaching it to the lower longerons and hoping it will stay put why not make a small ply support ? by doing this you will spread the load of the tailwheel,bend a simple shape to incorporate the wheel,then take the wire at right angles then up and over raking it say 45 degrees,next drill a central hole into the ply and feed the wire through,once you have done this grasp the wire with a pair of pointed pliers at right angles again and snip the end.

Lock the wire into place with a dab of cyno and when dry drill small holes either side where button thread can be sewn into place,finish off with another dab of cyno,watch the puff of smoke as it bites the thread ! it is stuck for good believe me,now take the ply plate unit and just epoxy the whole lot to the base of the longerons at the tail end.

Steerable tail wheels simply need some bushing to go through the ply and the wire tiller goes straight to the rear,this goes through a 'U' loop of wire which is simply attached to the bottom of the rudder,this way the load is not actually transmitted to the rudder but rides in the slot of the wire.

Another way is to loop an elastic band around the end of the tiller and take this to a pin pushed into the base of the rudder itself,easily replaced and above all not putting any undue strain if the rudder gets knocked.

Sounds complicated but quicker to make than to write these words !