Thinking of dying........

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Mar 6, 2015
But not just yet, let me explain

This has been prompted, sadly, by the deaths in recent months of a few family members and friends; plus there are always news reports of people of about my age dying
I am a Baby Boomer, and a member of 'The Airfix Generation'
Now at 71 I realise that it is unlikely that I will complete my stash of kits; plus there are the paints, tools, and accessories
And even if I don't pop off soon, there is always the possibility that my hands and sight will start to fail me

I have left my estate, such as it is, to my wife, and as I can remember the hard work involved in settling my parents household & finances, I am trying to make things easier for her and our children

Most of the everyday & domestic items will be straightforward enough to deal with, but we are both wondering what to do about the modelling stuff
We're not bothered about getting any money for it, rather it would be a shame if it was just chucked in a skip, we would like it to go to someone who would appreciate it

I know that even charity shops have difficulty getting rid of plastic kits, so I was thinking of offering it to a military charity, or someone who is unemployed, but I don't know how to do that, or who to contact

So if you have any suggestions or other comments, I'd be pleased to hear from you
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Mar 30, 2021
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Contact Models for Heroes mate - but don't give up yet - us 'seventy something' have years yet! I intend to live for ever so that the Army, Local Government and the State have to pay my pensions 'ad infinitum'! ;)

Deleted member 5496

Suggestion Zulu man oh man.

You are on the wrong track. I am 83 in 6 weeks.

All I am worried about is getting my eyes fully healed & back to full model making.

The past has gone. Let the future sort its self out.

Said this before. 100 is my object. Get there I will sit down & decide on the next target.
Enjoy every day given not worry about the future as you will never ever know what that is.

All above said in kindness. Enjoy what you have & what ever gets to come along.

Life is all good news



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Apr 27, 2018
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Models for Heroes is a worthwhile charity that donates kits & materials to other causes.

There is both a facebook and twitter page set up for them and I'm sure they can help out when needed.

But please don't go yet!!!!
Think of all the kits you have to finish first!!!! :dizzy:



Way past the mad part
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Apr 28, 2018
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Heh, I’m reading this and Don’t Dream it’s Over by Crowded House comes on the radio. (OK, the song as such is about something else entirely, but the title seems appropriate enough :smiling3:)

The Smythe Meister

Born to be WILD....... until about 9pm
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Jan 30, 2019
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Blimey ..... That`s a bit "Glass Empty"...... not even "Half Empty"!!:flushed:
Chin up old chap.... you ain`t dead yet you know!!;)
None of us can pinpoint how long we`ve got,so apart from the obvious,planning for it is futile!!
Only a couple of years ago i rewired an old place in Bovey Tracy,the chap who lived there was 93,suffering from throat cancer,and couldn`t really leave the house.To cut a long story short,it turned out that at the rear of the house was quite a large extension,this was his "Hobby Room",it was about 30x20 foot,and basically full of interlocking tables covered in a sea of models all aiming towards the one huge diorama which he`d been gradually putting together over the last 40 odd years!!
He had a stash of kits which would grace anyone`s collection,(Although fairly old renditions now,obviously).
Reason for my rant coming up.......
His family had asked him years ago to flog off his kits and extras,as his health would only degenerate and it`d all be wasted.His response was that it was the only interest and hobby that he was still able to attempt.His hands were crippled with arthritis,his vision badly impared,and his model`s quality had certainly gone south compared to the ones on the tables that he`d clearly done decades ago!
But do you know what?!!!.....He`s still going strong at 96 AND enjoying it!! :cool:
C`mon mate...... as i said earlier..... YOU AIN`T DEAD YET!!

The Smythe Meister

Born to be WILD....... until about 9pm
SMF Supporter
Jan 30, 2019
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Heh, I’m reading this and Don’t Dream it’s Over by Crowded House comes on the radio. (OK, the song as such is about something else entirely, but the title seems appropriate enough :smiling3:)
HA!! Nice one Jakko:thumb2:,
..... It could`ve worse mind.... it could`ve been Blue Oyster Cult`s Classic......
...... "Don`t fear the reaper"!!:tears-of-joy::tears-of-joy:


SMF Supporter
Mar 6, 2015
Well, as I said, I'm not thinking of popping off just yet

Although I have diabetes, I'm generally in good health; in fact the diabetes was an incentive to live & eat healthily
My HbA1c (long term blood sugar level); blood pressure; & cholesterol levels are good. My weight is a bit on the high side, but just about acceptable; but then it always has been, ever since I was a boy - previous girlfriends have described me as being 'built for comfort, not speed'
My recent general eye test & diabetic eye tests were good, and other diabetic markers (nerves, kidneys etc) were good
So all in all I intend having a good few years yet - despite a disastrous foray into acrylic paint; I started with enamels so I'll finish with them

The reason for posting this Thread was to help my wife & family, come the day, and give them pointers & suggestions about what to do with my modelling and other hobby stuff
We're not very sentimental in our family; we have talked about this, and my wife & daughter have said - give us some pointers, then even if things do change, at least we've got somewhere to start from, and it looks as though Models For Heroes is the favourite
I'll probably ask them if they're interested in my other hobbies - knife making and leatherwork

Oh, and vice versa with she Who Must Be Obeyed


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Dec 2, 2008
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You don't have to be old to make preparations. Friend of my wife has just lost her partner (few years younger than me) in a motorbike accident. Can happen at any time. so the age thing is imho pointless.

My wife knows my thoughts about everything to do with my funeral, hobby equipment and finances. And vice versa. Saves any hassle when the time eventually comes


SMF Supporter
Mar 30, 2021
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You don't have to be old to make preparations. Friend of my wife has just lost her partner (few years younger than me) in a motorbike accident. Can happen at any time. so the age thing is imho pointless.

My wife knows my thoughts about everything to do with my funeral, hobby equipment and finances. And vice versa. Saves any hassle when the time eventually comes
So does mine Al, it seems infinitely logical 'man who is born of woman hath but a short term to live... etc' but, moving swiftly on (and trying to lighten the mood) I felt I was approaching death when I had a bad encounter with a bottle of 'Navy Neaters' rum some years ago! I was young then - and even more stupid than I am now!

Deleted member 5496

Yes Pauline is interested if I go first.

She want to know who is going to do the dustbin run down to the Flats dustbin room.
Plus who is going to get breakfast.

Working on it. :tears-of-joy: :tears-of-joy: :tears-of-joy: :tears-of-joy: :tears-of-joy:


Deleted member 5496

Blimey ..... That`s a bit "Glass Empty"...... not even "Half Empty"!!:flushed:
Chin up old chap.... you ain`t dead yet you know!!;)
None of us can pinpoint how long we`ve got,so apart from the obvious,planning for it is futile!!
Only a couple of years ago i rewired an old place in Bovey Tracy,the chap who lived there was 93,suffering from throat cancer,and couldn`t really leave the house.To cut a long story short,it turned out that at the rear of the house was quite a large extension,this was his "Hobby Room",it was about 30x20 foot,and basically full of interlocking tables covered in a sea of models all aiming towards the one huge diorama which he`d been gradually putting together over the last 40 odd years!!
He had a stash of kits which would grace anyone`s collection,(Although fairly old renditions now,obviously).
Reason for my rant coming up.......
His family had asked him years ago to flog off his kits and extras,as his health would only degenerate and it`d all be wasted.His response was that it was the only interest and hobby that he was still able to attempt.His hands were crippled with arthritis,his vision badly impared,and his model`s quality had certainly gone south compared to the ones on the tables that he`d clearly done decades ago!
But do you know what?!!!.....He`s still going strong at 96 AND enjoying it!! :cool:
C`mon mate...... as i said earlier..... YOU AIN`T DEAD YET!!

Great story & inspirational Andy. Look at Captn. Tom. Wow did he enjoy that bit of his life.

Squeeze every bit out. Just had my covid (3rd jab) booster that will keep me going for a bit more.



SMF Supporter
Aug 2, 2021
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Prudent and responsible to make these sorts of arrangements at any age. It alleviates some of the burden for those left behind when we pass on. It sounds like the models for heroes is an excellent idea.
BTW don't think of going anywhere; I'd like to follow a few of your builds for years to come yet ;)

Deleted member 5496

When my mum popped off, dad had played the same trick earlier, my sister & I were left to sort out.

Now we really had fun. So many things we had forgotten about as children still there. Even pots pans
father a carpenter had made wooden handles to replace the bakelite. Old fashioned teapot, the sugar shaker.

Brilliant memories some we just burst out laughing as they reminded of events & stories of family life.
We shared no problems. I got my favorite. A Napoleon Westminster chime clock. Got the innards renovated.
The wooden case French Polished.

Good as new. Spring clean my work room every Friday. Wind up the clock just as my dad did. I wake up in the
morning to "tick tock". Best reminder of my life with my mom, dad & of course sister.

So no burden. We enjoyed looking back on our family life & had fun & laughed yes & cried just a little.



SMF Supporter
Mar 6, 2015
Yes, when my parents died and I cleared their house I found all sorts of odds & ends dating back to my childhood, which made it doubly sad

It was hard work, especially as by then I lived about 80 miles away, so I'm trying to make my family's job a bit easier, when the time comes


SMF Supporter
Mar 6, 2015
Well, I've been in touch with a couple of military charities and nether of them are interested

Help for Heroes say they no longer take goods, and Forces Support say they only take goods if they're in good condition so they can sell them; they don't do any practical or therapeutic sessions
And of course all my stuff is what I'm using, and have accumulated all my life, so will be more difficult to sell

A while ago I took some old aeroplane and modelling magazines to my local Air Cadets, and they were very pleased to have them, so I expect they will be even more pleased to have a load of modelling stuff
It will be easier for my family too, as you can almost see the Air Cadets HQ from my bedroom window

Failing that I'll suggest my family offer it to IPMS

Deleted member 5496

Well, I've been in touch with a couple of military charities and nether of them are interested

Help for Heroes say they no longer take goods, and Forces Support say they only take goods if they're in good condition so they can sell them; they don't do any practical or therapeutic sessions
And of course all my stuff is what I'm using, and have accumulated all my life, so will be more difficult to sell

A while ago I took some old aeroplane and modelling magazines to my local Air Cadets, and they were very pleased to have them, so I expect they will be even more pleased to have a load of modelling stuff
It will be easier for my family too, as you can almost see the Air Cadets HQ from my bedroom window

Failing that I'll suggest my family offer it to IPMS

Zulu.. Cannot keep calling you that. We all use first names (Christian if you like) If you could nudge yours into
the thing on the right. That I think always makes things more cosy.

Another idea. Kits can be sold on Ebay & the money given to what ever charitable organization is appropriate.

Also many in the community, due to disability, are restricted & model making is a godsend to them. For some
it is the only way they fill their days. Due to the challenges of disability many are unable to afford kits & accessories.
Model making forums may be away to find these worthy people.

One I know only had one kit & he was building that. The cupboard was bare.


Jim R

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Apr 27, 2018
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Quite an interesting thread. My dad was a keen photographer and when he died (age 91) we contacted the local camera club, where he was a member, and said come and collect anything photography related.
I have told the wife that if I pop my clogs first she is to post a thread on the forum saying anyone within travelling distance can come and get anything they want. The rest will be binned. I don't want the family lumbered and all my modelling stuff together isn't worth more than a few hundred pounds. So not worth the effort of selling.
Shame that Help for Heroes don't want any more stuff.


SMF Supporter
Mar 6, 2015
OK.....I'm something of a technophobe and not very proficient at things digital, but most other forums I'm on use the Login Names, or whatever the correct term is

But no problem, I'm Geoffrey, usually shortened to Geoff

We have discussed my money among the family, and have decided that any actual money from my accounts will go to family members - wife first, and subsequently to my children if necessary

But Goods & Chattels will be given away or offered for free; the problem that I've discovered though, is that finding the proverbial 'good homes' for my possessions is surprisingly difficult
My wife & family, and myself, would be perfectly happy for my modelling, and other stuff to go to a suitable charity or someone who was disabled or otherwise worthy, as you put it, , in fact we would prefer that, but matching people up and achieving that is difficult
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