Varnish, Enamel Filter/Washes Problems


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May 24, 2021
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Evening all,

A common issue I’m sure but something I can’t quite seem to figure out.

I’ve just spent plenty of time putting together a Sherman and after many hours of the usual meticulous construction and base painting, I can go and ruin the paint job in about 10 minutes.

An ongoing process, but I’d rather not ruin the next one I’m on.

My process was as follows:

Primed with Tamiya Fine Spray can
Brush painted Tamiya mixture of XF-62, XF-60 and another XF for the base coat
Left for a several days
2/3 coats of Tamiya TS-80 matt spray can
Left for a several days
Then applied AK filter, enamel based and encounter the issue.

This then left the white staining on parts of the tank whereby it has reacted.

I can’t figure out from reading several different things whether the TS-80 lacquer coat is reacting with the thinner in the filter. If that’s the case then I can look at a different varnish or if not, attempt the same process again but altered in some way.

I had also had the white staining issue with a Cromwell I had done previously with a Mig Dark Wash. Albeit with a pretty pants covering of the TS-80.

There’s a lot of discussion with airbrushing varnishes but I’m brush painting and looking to use/already using spray cans for varnish and primers.

Any clarity on best varnish, enamel filter/wash combinations would be great. A spray can varnish recommendation would be ideal, acrylic sounds the option but not many ones out there seem to specify this. (Unless it’s a given they are and I’m not in the loop)


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Jul 23, 2011
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I have had that spraying a Matt lacquer varnish over a MIG enamel wash. I thought it was because the wash had not fully cured before I sprayed the varnish. The problem was sorted with a further application of the wash and some additional weathering.

I think that is the answer, more curing time. Humidity can affect the curing time though I thought that was more a problem for water based products.

Sorry I cannot help you with spray cans as I use an airbrush. An airbrush would give you more flexibility over what products you can use.

I use lacquers (MRP) through the airbrush, water based acrylics painting fine detail over the lacquers and enamel washes. Ther only regular problem I have with that combination being the ‘hot’ lacquer varnish reactivating the base paint exposing more of the black primer than I want for my modulation. Easily resolved even if a pain.

David Lovell

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Apr 27, 2018
Poole Dorset
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One simple golden rule model painted in acrylics you use enamel based products ie filters washes oils etc ,model painted in lacquer based paints unless you want trouble acrylic products are the way to go , a good coat of acrylic varnish over lacquer paint should let you then use enamel products ,I mostly use acrylic paints on the rare occasion I bother with varnish I would still use a filter coat (very heavily thinned)before I varnished in my way of thinking its to settle the tone of the paint and as far as I'm concerned it can't do that floating about on top of a gloss coat ,just a few of my own thoughts I sometimes feel there's to much you have to use this then do that I only use so and so all these diffrent products when half the time there not needed ok im probably the biggest corner cutter on here but very very rarely have I suffered any consequences keep it simple its supposed to be a enjoyable pass time there are no rules you don't have to comply with what is preached find your own way happy modeling. Dave.