What is next?



No, I am not jumping the gun, and I know we have only had one finished to date in only two weeks though. Congratulations Ian for being the first over the line. Great build in 14 days, phew.....

Anyway, although the rest of us are plodding along with our contributions, come on all those still to get started ;) I think it is time to consider, given the superb interest in this GB, what the next will be. It is not my intention to rush this on but if we come up with the next subject in good time, people have time to save up and buy their kit(s) if they want to join in in plenty of time before the start.

Initially we discussed the four builds per year. Does everyone feel that 3 months is OK or should we shorten it to two. That doesn't mean that we have six GB per year but it could give time to add something a little different such as a SIG (Special Interest Group) build or two.

The SIGs could be a bit more open, such as a Battle of Britain SIG where any aircraft, flack battery or anything else appropriate to the Battle of Britain would apply. Other examples for a SIG would be a specific vehicle, period, theatre of war or anything similar. A really tasty one for a few on here would be a SIG entitled "The Battle for Stalingrad". Just think of the diversity of subjects, styles and diorama possibilities that could bring up.

SIGs could also be multiple. We could end up with three or four SIGs running at the same time with people concentrating on subject that are their key interest. Sounds complicated to set up but it wouldn't be really.

So, without any rush, or arguments, three questions.

1: What subject for next GB? (when we get ideas for this a poll will be set up to vote on it, I would just like to have some suggestions first)

2: Is three months too long?

3: What do you think of the SIG idea?


'Stashitis' victim
SMF Supporter
May 17, 2009
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Hi Graham,

I was looking at some Mistels on ebay last week and thought that might be an idea for the future. Not the next one 'cos we've just done a 'wingy thingy', but I thought ANY kind of 'piggyback' airplane. Mistels obviously but there's also the 747 + Shuttle and B52 + X15 which I have seen kits of. I'm sure there are others and there's probably enough small scale kits to make it affordable for those with limited budgets. I would be inclined to limit it to manned piggyback planes else there's problems deciding where to draw the line between piggybacks and large missiles such as drones or something like a V1.

I don't know about the time limit. That depends on not only the builder but also the subject matter. I'd be OK to leave it at 3 months but that's just me.

SIGs sound good but how would you distinguish between an SIG and a GB? I'm not sure how you'd define the difference between them.

I'd also like to mention - very delicately - another thought. Since the GB started, it's been a job to find posts which are not related to it. I'm not complaining 'cos I'm really enjoying the whole thing and the Gods know I'm guilty of adding my share of posts. But is there anyone out there who doesn't like having to go through so many posts to find things other than the GB? If we expand the GB idea and add SIGs as well, would anyone be put off the forum because of the sheer number of related posts? I'd hate to think we might put off folks who don't like taking part in either.



Hi Graham,

As a non-GB person, as much as I enjoy seeing the different threads about on-going builds, eventually there is an 'overload' factor setting in! After all, there's only so many comments one can make on multiple FW 190's!

Gern's point about the GB's taking over the forum are, I think, well said because we do need to consider the diverse nature of modelling & how the forum looks to potential new members who want to return or start modelling. Over the past few weeks, to a visitor it might have looked like a closed club & this could put off new people.

The SIG idea is a good one though & these could over-lap with whatever GB is going at the time. For instance, using your suggestion, the FW 190 GB would have over-lapped a Stalingrad SIG with a few of the Focke-Wulfs being modelled as ones that saw action in that theater.

I know an obvious retort to my points is that I should be part of the GB (!) but as great as it is & as good as it is to see so many people getting stuck in, I still feel it's an important issue that we represent as many areas of modelling as we can. I'm sure this thread will see some lively debate!



I do take you point re overload, and, Patrick, your views are as important as anyones. Just because you didn't chose to join in the GB does not make any difference. You are a member of this forum, and a well respected one to. The Scale Models Forum is the key anything like a GB or SIG is secondary.

I don't know the answer to the overload of posts, maybe a secondary page or sub forum? I don't know how it works so I don't even know if it is possible. As for keeping all aspects of modelling going, I couldn't agree more. While starting my 190 I have also started a Japanese WWII Aircraft Carrier, loads of figures and a small kit that will be displayed with my 190. I also know that there has been others building other kits to but I take your point re the appearance that someone just looking at the forum for the first time may thing it was a FW190 site.

I don't think the next GB will be as heavily posted. Being a re start of an idea on here, it has taken off probably better than anyone, including myself thought it would. I am sure the next one will be well supported but I suspect a little 'calmer' lol We all like comments on our builds, after all it is one of the ways of making what can be a lonely hobby more sociable, it's the 'Club' atmosphere that makes Scale Models so different to some I could mention. I do agree though that the success of the GB has left us all a bit shell shocked in trying to keep up with what has been happening. Maybe there is no need for comments in a GB Construction thread unless a question is being asked or someone spots a potential problem? I don't know, what do others think?

The SIG could indeed cross over from the GB, one build covering both. No reason why not. We are modellers after all so long as the hobby is promoted it doesn't really matter how we do it. The main thinking behind the SIG is that it could encompass a wider subject matter than a GB, having said that, there is no reason why a GB could not do the same but a SIG could run a lot longer and go much deeper if it was required or be as simple as the 190 GB we are on at the moment.

I do feel though that the GB, given it's shaky start, has promoted modelling, it has created some interest and above all, it has brought about a lot of sharing of ideas, discussion and, let's all agree' some great builds being done. How we can stop that from overpowering the rest of the forum, I don't know but I agree it maybe something we need to look at. Any ideas John????

I hope this thread does indeed create some 'lively debate'. It is a great forum and I feel a very friendly Club. Debate is healthy and I am sure, welcome.


I just wanted to add that I really do think the whole GB idea is a fantastic one & that with it being the 1st, there is a natural 'novelty' factor that will probably diminish as the next few progress.

What's been most interesting to me is those people who have hitherto been mainly vehicle or armour builders getting stuck in-you know who you are lads! The GB has clearly given a few of us the impetus to try something different & that's always a good thing.

Like you Graham, I have no idea of the technical side of a site like this or how best to integrate the various needs of the members but all power to you because the GB was a great idea & one that, I hope, will run & run.



SMF Supporter
May 26, 2009
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Gern and Patrick's comments about the G/B taking over are well founded. If I were an outsider reading the threads I would seriously think it might not the place to be and rather biased.

Please understand, I am in no way being critical of the G/B, Graham or the enthusiasm the build has generated, everyone participating is having loads of fun, but spare a thought for those who don't want to be involved in this project....They must be well hacked off with it, and it's only been going a couple of weeks, and has over 2 months to run, yet a discussion is now up and running as to the next G/B!

Give the other members of this Forum a break from G/Bs or there is a real danger of alienating people to the extent they will leave Scale Models in search of more diverse subject matter to which they can contribute to stuff they find interesting.

I am sure all members find the interpretations of the FW190 build interesting.......up to a point! But they don't want it in their face everytime they log in.

'nuff said. But just to add I mean no offence to anyone, I am just trying to see it from the majority members point of view, not just a dozen or so.

The comments above are not necessarily those of the management...I thank you.


Ian M

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Dec 14, 2008
Falster, Denmark
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Lets get the grumpy bits out of the way first, then move on to the good stuff!

Three months is I think just the right time and fits well with the four a year. Yer I know I was done in 14 days, but in all fairness I did have a week off work due to the Easter holiday and having some holiday time that had to be used before the 30th April. As a side point during the GB I also had a Matilda on the go at the start, and a ferdinand at the finnish!!!

I also think that the overwelming amount of posts in the GB forum and the 'lack' of posts in the others is greatly due to the newness of the GB's. Im sure that after the next one, things will be as per normal with all the forums getting a look in!

SIG builds... Three or four a year. That will give the serious diorama builders plenty of time to get sorted; the not so serious have time to work it out. Those of us that want to go totally nuts with PE special kits, special decals, and what nots will also have masses of time. Those of us that just throw a kit at the glue and then paint it will have pleanty of time to get on with some thing else; like the next GB!!! (Also for those living outsidethe UK will have time to order in!)

Suggestions for the next build? Cutty Sark? ONLY KIDDING.

Some thing WWI ?

Armoured cars?


Fossil Raver
Jan 1, 2009
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I been giving this some thought and i think that four GB's a year is too many, at the end of the day four GB's running at three months is one year. How about just two a year? That way we can still keep people interested in the Group Builds but not over run the forum with it. Three months is ok, it gives everybody time that have other commitments (work/wife needing it doing yesterday).

I do like the "SIG" idea though, sounds like fun.

Just my thoughts, John


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Mar 4, 2004
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I think 2 or maybe 3 a year would be better, I don't think there should be anymore than 4 a year, I have noticed a drop in people visiting the forum this month, I's not saying it's because of the GB but historically the forum does get quiter during the summer with people going away or just spending more time outside and less time building.

I would like to see more posts again on things other than the GB, they do seem to have taken a bit of a hit.

As for the next build I have been looking at the Revell USS Wasp but it's £175 so I will have to start saving for that one, 2014 should be good for me with that one :rotate1:

Ian M

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Dec 14, 2008
Falster, Denmark
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In that case What about HMS Illustrious. Its a new kit, so not that mant have done her yet (can I say that?) and its "only" £45 at e-models...

Or if you want to be really tied up in knots:

Google Image Result for http://www.westbourne-model.co.uk/images/Model-Boats/VictoryModels/Vangard/Vanguard-(11).jpg
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'Stashitis' victim
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May 17, 2009
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And very nice too! Pity it cost just a bit more than my monthly modelling allowance otherwise I'd be sure to get one to go with my Victory!

Mind you, most folks who build these things spend many years on each one. That would certainly slow down the number of Group Builds we could do and cut down on the number of posts!

Just as another idea for a GB or SIG; what about carrier 'planes of any era or nationality? LOTS of choice there and we could be more specific if we felt the topic was too wide.

Like Graham, I'm no 'puter expert, so it might be possible to run the GB/SIG posts separately from the 'normal' daily stuff. But isn't there a danger of splitting the membership into those who do and those who don't though? Maybe it might be worthwhile hanging on for a while to see if the 'novelty factor' wears off and we can see what the balance is like between the different posts?



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Mar 4, 2004
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Just a thought, I could make the GB/SIG forums private and only show to those that take part in it, people will be able to see the forums but not posts, and only have to ask if they want to take part of read the posts

Ian M

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Dec 14, 2008
Falster, Denmark
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I think the points Graham raised about the summer swing is also something to think of. Suddenly we have grass to cut, plants to plant and weeds to pull up. Houses to paint (wonder how long that would take with an airbrush?) And if others are like me fish to be fished for.

I dont think four GBs are to many. Three months is a long time, but then we dont all need to start at the same time. There are still new participants popping up on the current GB.

I see no grounds at all that the SIG and GB could conflict with each other. Would it not just be a simple case of a new forum. Idea! No GB Chat or SIG chat. all chat in the chat forum - could stop it being over-looked??

Another way of doing it could be to have A SIG thread in each of the fora, So although SIG projects are by them self, they would be found in the relevant forum, Tanks, Planes, boats, Dioramas etc. ?

I dare say I will partake in most of the GB's as its all good clean fun, and I consider myself capable of putting in a fair piece. SIG builds not so sure but if the 'theme' lights up my boards I might join in. It all rather depends on how tight the "rules" are.


Just a thought, I could make the GB/SIG forums private and only show to those that take part in it, people will be able to see the forums but not posts, and only have to ask if they want to take part of read the posts
Interesting idea John. Does that mean that anyone not requesting access would not see the posts in 'What's New' and such?I, like others, have been concerned that the GB appears to have taken over the forum and that cannot be good. I still think it is to some degree because it is new and, there may not be half as many for the next.

Having thought about it through the day, I do think it is right to be looking at ways to calm it down a bit. What does surprise me though is that on other forums like Promodeller and Britmodeller, the GB of which there are many, do not overpower the other forums. In fact, they have great periods of silence as people work on the GBs in the background and produce other models and posts as normal. Promodeller currently has 3 GB and a SIG running at the same time, they usually run for six months though and everyone in the GBs has built and posted quite a few kits in the general forums while working on the GBs, much the same as myself. I have entered the French Carrier in a GB and I have the Japanese WWII carrier for another, it may be ages before I post anything in the GB for the carrier.

Maybe we just got a bit carried away.

yak face

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Jun 13, 2009
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Hi graham , i agree with the idea that the GB has taken over the site a bit, i must admit im a bit overloaded myself, i cant seem to get motivated with my fw 190. Hopefully the next GB wont be as much of a novelty , maybe like someone said if we only post on someone elses thread when answering a question or offering advice on a problem it would cut down the number of posts.I must admit that if i was a newcomer or visitor id be feeling a little left out if i wasnt participating in the GB, we dont want to put anyone off or make anyone feel alienated. The length of the build is, i feel, just right at 4 per year, as for the SIG idea why not make it one of the 4.The next subject? well thats always going to be a toughie , but maybe the next 3 could be (in no particular order) armour, boats, cars/bikes/trucks. This would satisfy the majority of members interests with the SIG idea coming after. hope this adds a bit to the debate , cheers tony

Richy C

If I can add my ten pence worth gents,

Q1- I would just set up the poll straight away and let it run till around June 1st

Q2- 3 months is fine by me , being a weekend modeller it still gives me and others still time to work on our own stuff , as for how many gb we do a year I`m happy to do 3 maybe 4 at a push , to a degree I agree with a few of the other lads - this gb has been great fun but we don`t wan`t to over load it with to many , its nice to know a month or whatever before what we will be making so we can plan , with to many we will be jumping from one to the next straight away taking away the fun away and in my eyes numbers will go down big time.

Q-3 with the SIG a bit like what I`ve mentioned above - time , saying that if it was something I had a great interest in I could be in , but I would no doubt blow out of one of the gb`s ,

Sorry to be so negative Graham just giving you my honest opinions



I'm new to this forum, have difficulty in understanding and writing English, and therefore often avoid participating.

I know I like this forum and know that I really enjoyed participating in this GB.

I understand that the forum is not just for those who, like me, like to build model airplanes of WWII. There are those who like more of WWI, post-war, ships, tanks, etc..

So, why not make GB by subject:

War of the Pacific, Mediterranean, Normandy, the Gulf War, Korea, Vietnam.

Any of these issues would allow the participation of all or almost all modelers.

What is a SIG.


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Jul 22, 2008
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Hi Antonio, SIG is a "special interest group". I think your idea of less defined group builds has some merit. It would,however, make me less likely to build something outside my normal interest (like you WW2 aircraft). If the build was of, say, an armoured vehicle I would probably join in and depend on the armour builders for help and advice. I would need it!

I think the idea of seperating the GB from the rest of the forum is a good one. I'm sure noone wants to even appear to put anyone off by dominating posts. I'll build anything in any timescale for a bit of fun. I have built a model for this GB faster than I've ever done but have been lucky with work commitments etc.




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Mar 4, 2004
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\ said:
Interesting idea John. Does that mean that anyone not requesting access would not see the posts in 'What's New' and such?
That's right, or there's another way, I set it up at the beginning of this GB but because I've never used it before I didn't mention it, if you look here http://www.scale-models.co.uk/groups/group-build.html I created a group called Group Build, but it should have been called GB FW190 and the next one GB Mary Rose or what ever is decided we do, also because it's not part of the main forum you could create a new GB every day if you wanted and unless someone choose to be a member of that group they couldn't see the "new group messages"


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May 26, 2009
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I agree something needs to be done to get some sort of balance vis a vis the G/B and 'normal' posts, but I am dead against ANY form of segregation.....You can't do or look at this, unless you ask! No thank you.

People might not be interested in the G/B or that other thing but might still want to look to see different techniques. What is being suggested would stop direct and free access to this particular type of thread, would it not?

This Forum has a good reputation for open and even discussion of any subject at any time and to make something sound to the casual visitor like a closed shop, no matter how small is wrong, and is not what I joined Scale Models to see.

Perhaps I'm over reacting but I feel very, very strongly about what I fear might happen and how any newcomer might view this proposed idea if it is put into practice.
