Wood bending tool



I have just found this on John Reid's brilliant build log


Johns original post:

Wood bending tool. I use an old hair curler for bending wood.It remains at a nice constant temperature and has just the right curve for most hobby work.I dunk my wood into water and let it soak for awhile depending on the thickness.Then I press the wood up against the curler and slowly bend it to shape.If you are bending right near the end of the wood get an old piece of wood or the end of an eraser to replace your fingers.Take your time and re-soak the wood if necessary.Even thin wood has a grain and some of it does not run lengthwise but is cross grain in nature,so if it keeps breaking select another piece.If the wood splits turn it over and bend the other way.After a while you will become more familiar with the grain of the wood just by looking at it.Experiment and take your time! Have fun.

new to trains

i use a 3 tier kitchen vegetable steamer to steam my timber, it works well !

just dont tell the wife !