B25 Construction 1/8 Scale


Sky Raider

Me again,

Here you can see the start of the fuse constuction. These are the fuse doubler, the isdes of the top half of the fuse along with the fuse formers. It really is a strange way to build a plane. We will master it in the end but it is going to be a very cautious build, check, check and double check every single piece before it is glued into place. A single mistake can be fatal.



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Fuse formers.jpg

Front wheel gear.jpg

Fuse doublers.jpg

Doublers 2.jpg

Doublers 3.jpg

Sky Raider

Hi Gang,

I put in a little extra time tonight as Ting Ting will shove me up the loft tomorrow to carry on with the conversion. I will sneak down if she goes out and get in the workshop.

Here is the makings of the fuse, still hard going as there are very little instruction, guidance and diagrams. It looks prety ugly at the moment and its hard to believe that it will turn out good. The parts look very minimal also, the P47 fuse was made up of about 60 parts and this has less than a dozen.



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Fromers fitted.jpg

Nose assemebley.jpg

Setting the formers.jpg

Side Elavation.jpg

Steering Gear.jpg

Steering linkage.jpg

Top Veiw.jpg


Looking great Andy. Cant wait to see it finished.

What are the overall dimensions of the thing itself, or will you have to wait till its done to answer that?



yak face

Staff member
SMF Supporter
Jun 13, 2009
First Name
hi andy ,this is really going together quickly!looking good too. ting tings never going to get the loft done!!!! regards tony

Sky Raider

\ said:
Looking great Andy. Cant wait to see it finished.What are the overall dimensions of the thing itself, or will you have to wait till its done to answer that?


Hi Tom,

Havent checked the overall size yet, i think it is 1/8 th scale. As you can see she is quite small, i thought it would be as big as the P47 but in comparison it is dwarfed by it. The original itself was never big though. Ill try and check the dimensions. The problem with it being this small is the internal detail will be realy fiddley to do. I thought she was bigger than she is. Never mind, i will complete her.



Sky Raider

\ said:
Looking good Andy, you're making your heels crack matey.
Thanks mate, this one is moving quite quickly, you put together a handful of parts and before you know it it is done. Still not happy with the instructions...looked today for the info on the linkages and there isnt a mention in there on the mechanics.



Sky Raider

\ said:
hi andy ,this is really going together quickly!looking good too. ting tings never going to get the loft done!!!! regards tony
Hi Tony,

Didnt get up the loft today in the end. I had a cunning plan. I had to go to the gun shop and was there ages, i then came back and said the lawn needed doing...she likes to see the lawn all neat and cut so i knew that would work. I did that and said it was too late to start up in the loft today and sneaked into the workshop.

Here is todays progress.

Thanks mate


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Front bottom stretchers.jpg

Glueing the top section of the fuse.jpg

One side planed.jpg

Plane stretchers to shape of fuse formers.jpg

Stretchers 2.jpg

Top stretchers.jpg

Sky Raider

Hi gang,

Here is the latest progress. Most of the fuse parts are now fitted, this thing is going together real fast , a lot faster than i thought. Things will slow up when i start on the interior sections when the fuse is complete. This seems to be a very primative construction. I have now started to form the shape of the fuse. There is a lot of planeing and sanding to get the shape, you can see the effect looks real good.



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Upper & Lower planking fitted.jpg

Rear Lower Planking.jpg

Starting to Shape the fuse.jpg

Rear Lower shaped.jpg

Rear Lower fuse.jpg


\ said:
Hi gang,Here is the latest progress. Most of the fuse parts are now fitted, this thing is going together real fast , a lot faster than i thought. Things will slow up when i start on the interior sections when the fuse is complete. This seems to be a very primative construction. I have now started to form the shape of the fuse. There is a lot of planeing and sanding to get the shape, you can see the effect looks real good.


wow...u doing a gud job on it....u are clever!!!! so did u do it on yr own or somebody help u with it?it going to be bigger than thunderbolt......

are u able to put dummy figures inside the cockpit andy?

Sky Raider

Thanks Steven,

I build all my models alone, i think it is easier as most people tend to be more skilled in this area than their mates are. I was disapointed to find that this build is smaller than the P47, i wanted to get to do loads of great details with the interior... guns etc, i can still do this but the detail is going to be a lot smaller than i wanted it to be.




\ said:
Thanks Steven,I build all my models alone, i think it is easier as most people tend to be more skilled in this area than their mates are. I was disapointed to find that this build is smaller than the P47, i wanted to get to do loads of great details with the interior... guns etc, i can still do this but the detail is going to be a lot smaller than i wanted it to be.


kool....yes i know wot u mean about working on yr own,,,,give u peace and quiet.....

so when it done...wht colour are u :thinking:to put on? any nice colour?

u will be happy when it done with lovely details on it.......make people go wow and gobsmacked.....

so i have send u a picture of b25 mitchelle.....are u having tht colour of u go for different colours...?


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\ said:
Looks a good scheme mate but i have opted for this one.Cheers

look very nice colour andy.....go for it.so by the way do u know where i cud get dummy pilot for my p-4o warhawk basla kit but it over 28 inches wing span when it done,,,,but it 1-16 scale......cheers. steve

Sky Raider

\ said:
look very nice colour andy.....go for it.so by the way do u know where i cud get dummy pilot for my p-4o warhawk basla kit but it over 28 inches wing span when it done,,,,but it 1-16 scale......cheers. steve
This is a general problem Steve. I struggle to get 1/8 pilots. This build is even worse, im not sure what size i need for this one. I have looked all over the net and are yet to find any. I think i will sculpt my own for this one.


Sky Raider

Well here we go. This build is moving on at a fair rate of knots. I didnt think that i would get the fuse built in this short time. We are now about 12 hours into the build and we are two thirds built. The scale detail will take a lot longer so i think we till have a few months to go yet.

Here is the fuse, all shaped and now ready for fibreglassing. I will fibre glass up to the tail section and then finish it of when the tail section is attached. After fibreglass im going for the internal details.


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Cockpit and front gun section.jpg

Front gun section.jpg

Front side elevation.jpg

Lower fuse shaped.jpg

Lower gun section.jpg

Upper fuse Wing recess.jpg

Upper fustail recess.jpg

Upside down overveiw.jpg


Hi Andy looks great mate.

I've just been watching people crash their planes on youtube and a similair B-25's left engine failed on take off it was carnage.

It's a good job you went for the two electric brushless motors.


Sky Raider

\ said:
Hi Andy looks great mate.I've just been watching people crash their planes on youtube and a similair B-25's left engine failed on take off it was carnage.

It's a good job you went for the two electric brushless motors.

Prevention is the best cure mate in this line of the hobby. Had a major set back today. I went into the workshop this morning before leaving for work and found that the B25 was like a bannana. It is a nightmare of a situation, unless i can sort it the whole project is destined for the bin. This is because of the primiative design, the whole fuse has only 5 formers in it and in my opinoin that is the problem. She shaped well and was straight as a die when i left her.

Solution; she is sitting on the bench on her side and has been weighted to take out the twist, then the fuse is soaked with 50% rubbing alcohol and 50% water, hopefully this will work if not the only other option is to cut the fuse along both sides and the top and insert 3 carbon blade spars. Fingers crossed that the first option will do the trick.




I hope it turns out alright mate after all that hard work.

All the best,



Hi Andy,

I hope all works out well for you and you can get this one straightened up - Do you have a fuselage Jig to help you..?? I would certainly recommend one, I had never used one till I bought one and it is a very handy bit of kit. Especially for larger / longer models. It would certainly help out with yours.

It would be a shame to ditch this project as it is coming along so nicely so far. I definitely wouldn't ditch it just yet but would cut new parts from new wood - easy to do as you have the plans there and then continue as you left off. (I suspect the age of the wood in the kit may be the problem here)

Keep us updated and Good Luck !!
