new winter dio "why tigers dont play in mud"


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May 26, 2009
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Tyler, your enthusiasm knows no limits!

O.k., there are areas for improvement. The same can be said for all of us on this forum.

I well remember your first model you did on here.....your work has come on in leaps and bounds since then. This modelling game is such that we all keep on learning until we drop dead!

Keep plugging away and remember, it's your model. Take pleasure in building and painting it.

Learn from your minor errors, enjoy the words of encouragement from fellow modellers and move on to the next project....

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Tyler Christiansen

thank you all for the comments but now i have come to a problem: long story short the tracks for my munitiosschlepper are melted (this is not an april fools joke) so the project will have to wait until i can hopefully get some more tracks
Oct 17, 2011
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They melted???!!!? I had problems with them too but they seemed to maintain thier structual integrety. What glue did you use? (so i can stay away from it )

Modelling has no reverse gear...onwards onwards.

Tyler Christiansen

i use testors glue and it wasnt completely the glues fault it was my fault i heard of people using tape to hold the tracks in place as they build so i decided to use the only tape available which was duct tape and well I guess the adhesive chemicals on the tape reacted with the plastic/glue and decided "hey lets melt the plastic so that the tracks can not be assembled" so when i tried taking the tracks off some came off but the rest melted/fused together into this mess of tracks that could not of been used.

Moral of the story: avoid duct tape when modelling
Oct 17, 2011
First Name
Thats sad news for you but great advice for us and for that i salute you lol.

I know there are masterbox replaceable tracks but arent they as crap as the boxed ones? the tristar schlepper comes with band tracks maybe you could score a set.

I also think the version of the maulitier i have has a bandset that might fit too, Which is Trumpeteer i think. edit..Nope its Italeria

Sorry i cant be of more use, but let us know if you get a good replacements as i have 2 of these kits tracks That id rather replace.

good luck.
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SMF Supporter
May 26, 2009
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Tyler, hard luck with the melted tracks.....

As the dio is in a bit of mud, could you not still use them? Fix them as best you can with the repair at the bottom, then just push the model into the soft mud a bit. That way the repair will not be seen.

For some reason, you seem to have lost a bit of your enthusiasm for this build. I for one would like to see you carry on and complete it, as I was enjoying seeing it come together.



Tyler Christiansen

Well spanner I am possibly thinking of trying to just build the top and some of the bottom parts of the track and do that. As for the enthusiasm.....its mainly personal issues but im pretty much I'm depressed.....i still love building models and all but my self esteem right now is really bad.....
Oct 17, 2011
First Name
No pressure mate if things arent going your way just put it all aside untill you can be bothered.

Dont take peoples crits and comments to heart, They are honestly intended to help.

I blame the schleppers tracks i recall wanting to quit modelling after doing that kit too lols =p


Hi Tyler, sorry to hear about your problems mate. As aarons already said, put it aside for a few days, till you get your enthusiasm for the build back. I think I can speak for most of us that we've all had builds that have gone wrong, and we coulda thrown it across the room!!!!

Cheers. Andrew


\ said:
we've all had builds that have gone wrong, and we coulda thrown it across the room!!!!
Never has a truer word been spoken !!!

I'm of a mind to take history facts from the history buffs, take painting tips from the painting gurus and take build tips from the "scratch masters" on here .. it's why i joined :smiling3: ..the only way to improve at anything we do is to take constructive comments (be they positive or negative) and use them to improve our attempts in the future.

If you have some personal issues then can i suggest not to give up on the hobby, but turn the model building into a positive in life and use it to escape from the "real world" .... make it your sanctuary ..... i do!!!


at the end of the day mate, it is supposed to be fun. you build what you want and paint it how you want but above all enjoy yourself doing it.


Well shoot me for being honest & speaking my mind!

As I'm clearly the one to whom the ' people's comments ' remarks are being made, it's good to see that constructive criticism is still alive & well....or not as is the case here.

Tyler, please build your kits however you want & ignore my well-meant comments. As the purpose of scale modelling is to reproduce accurate examples of real machines, I personally feel that certain guidelines can be followed, but that's only my opinion; you or anyone else can do whatever looks or feels right to you.

I certainly don't think I'm better than anyone else at this hobby & if I'm honest about yours or another's work, it's only to help so that you don't make the same mistakes I made.


Tyler Christiansen

no no no no not at all its nothing from you guys at all patrick you didnt offend me at all like i said its all mainly personal things going on with me and stuff thats happened your comments are accepted and i need those comments you didnt do anything wrong at all im sorry thats my fault for making that comment vague

Tyler Christiansen

no problem I did not mean to make you look like a bad guy im sincerely sorry i knew you werent trying to be mean at all


No you didn't my friend, it just seemed to me that other's had misinterpreted the intention of my post.

Hopefully you'll get back on track with this one soon. And please don't think you're alone with the problems - I myself am going through some difficult times too, not least in losing my job :sad:

More time for modelling though!


Oct 17, 2011
First Name
Patrick pleeeeeaaase dont stop with the crits and comms. I NEED people like you. Or else the site would turn into a "looks good" fest, and nothing will be learnt.

I was trying to "blunt" the comms a little, not have a go at you for saying them. Just looking out for my bro Tyler.

Sorry to hear about your employment issues Patrick, especially in these harsh economic times.

Group hug.


patrick,sorry o hear about your job. i was not trying to stir a hornets nest with my comments and quite agree with your observations.i am quite happy for a bit of critisicm myself as it shows us all were we go wrong. i think in my case i was shocked by your bluntness. i think your first line grabbed me and the the last comment threw me lol. there was a previous thread i while back were the topic of critisicm was discussed(cant find it at the moment) and i am pretty sure most of us were happy to accept critiscm.certainly no hard feelings from first builds were truly awfull and i learnt a hell of a lot from reading comments on here..aaron is hug seems in order.

Tyler Christiansen

Phalinmegob I agree on the crticism and like i said his blutness didnt offend me and I know my models aren't exactly historically accurate and yes I do try to make my models historically accurate but since this time im trying so many new things (a muddy/snowy terrain water new form of whitewashing) and also i really wanted to incorporate the munitionsschlepper and bergepanther I figured that this cant be 100% historically accurate but i am trying to make as accurate as possible I am making them part of the divisions used in the battle of the bulge so it can be historically accurate to a degree. I did manage to do some more things but my camera is currently missing at the moment so as soon as i find it ill post pictures


\ said:
it just seemed to me that other's had misinterpreted the intention of my post.
To be honest Patrick you could read some comments either way and i don't think there was any real personal malice intended.

I myself like to be told things are wrong and the reason why (such as the way you post), beating around the bush doesn't go far in my book. I expect constructive critisism from anyone on here that has the correct information when i post on any subject, so keep it straight to the point on my account.

\ said:
And please don't think you're alone with the problems - I myself am going through some difficult times too, not least in losing my job :sad:
Sorry to hear this mate, I think we all have some things bothering us at some stage, i myself have just been to the doctors (first time in 18 years) and he says my lungs aren't right, bags me off to hospital for a chest xray, I smoke so i'm a tad concerned fault though so i deserve a bollockin' and not sympathy

Tyler sorry to divert your thread away from your modeling, just take on board what people advise and put it all to good use, hope your personal issues solve themselves and things pick up mate.

i look forward to some new pictures when your cameras up and running again.